Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

She’s back in college, was working in a nursing/rehab home over the summer.
Thanks for asking.

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Some good news. :+1:

It’s vaccine or bust at this stage.

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No answer, predictably.

‘I can abrogate the risk because me is worth it.’

Anyone translate this?

He ran away from my first point, now trying to create another one to save face. Ah bless.

Vaccine won’t sort it. They will come out with some excuse. Record the 2004 munster final next time its on


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I’m broadly on your side of the argument but it’s definitely not black and white. I’m willing to admit there is a chance the anti lockdowners COULD be right. How do you explain the point made comparing florida and california? (I’m not sure if what tierneevin is saying is true or even spun slightly as a fair amount of Internet arguing depends on the other lad being too lazy to check of you’re telling truth

Tis really simple: why do you feel entitled, in service of ‘herd immunity’ concept, to take risk on yourself for other people?

Tis a straightforward question. Care to try and answer it?


And lockdowns could work if the actual source of infection and death were in control. Good post. Simple as this HSE run facilities are out of control covid wise. If they had it in control 2/3week hard lockdown will remove it from the community. But there is no faith that the HSE can hold up their end of the bargin

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The numbers are available for everyone to look at on the site.

@Malarkey is free to look at the data and provide a different interpretation. He won’t though because it contradicts his firmly held head in the sand position. He would prefer to argue over IQ and will shortly escalate that to dick size.


If you are born in Ireland in 2021 your life expectancy is over 100

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What face ?it’s the internet pal …tranqui…

I’ll blood you, you oxi fookin dose


Never seen leo with bogroll either but I know he’s full of shit

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America is definitely a good test case as youve states within the same country with wildly different approaches to the whole thing.

I wont tackle all of your post as it’s not relevant. Risk is a part of life. People accept risk for others constantly. Every time you call the police, you risk their lives. Every time you drive a car, you are a tiny mistake or a small mechanical failure away from killing an innocent person.

We’ll certainly have one soon. Hundreds of thousands of people are out of work, and have no prospect of work, just because the business they run/work in is deemed “high risk”. Meanwhile, there are a significant cohort making a killing doing very little, simply because the career they chose now allows it.

The former group are every bit as talented and hard working as the latter but, thanks to the lockdown, they now find themselves unemployed with not even the prospect of the entire sector they work in being allowed to reopen.

Absolutely true. Society should care for all of its citizens. By making hundreds of thousands of them unemployed it has, 100%, damaged their outcome from life. The chance of just about every bad health outcome shoots up for those who are unemployed.


Nobody here has argued for going all out for “herd immunity” as in no restrictions. That’s a lie that you have picked up from reading the Guardian. There are people, including several that advise the Irish government, that argue for zero Covid, yet you argue this view does not exist.


How do they work that one out?