Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

In 7 days or less the Brazilian variant will be in the UK, and we’ll have it shortly after that. The way the doubts about the vaccine efficacy are being drip fed internationally and the increasing daily problems with the same, means we’re no clearer than last March unfortunately.

Okay, thanks. Look, I will debate the core points with almost anyone. To me, it is grey upon grey upon grey areas. The whole thing is torturously complex. And the Irish Government have made, without doubt, significant errors. Some of the characters involved are not fit for purpose.

But I am not wasting my time with kango ideologues who had all this process cookie cuttered the moment it got underway. You are talking about a lad who had Sweden “done with Covid” last summer. His essential ‘logic’? That Sweden, as long as it is not doing worst, is doing the best. Where would you start…

The cookie crumbs, I guess.

We are at A, with whatever ratios of blame and incompetence. They believe in getting – somehow – to C, which is ‘herd immunity’. To get there, we would have to pass through B. And it is B that gives any sensible decent person immense pause for thought. This relay would involve a breakdown in social cohesion that might not be fixed for a couple of generations – if ever. You cannot introduce a form of apartheid and credibly believe a mere vaccine would then dissolve the experience.

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No idea. It is some report unicef do every year

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The cases are meaningless.

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“Risk is a part of life.”

If you are happy with such utter banalities, so be it. End of. I might as well be questioning a stone proud of being mossy.

Entitled to take risk doesn’t make as much sense as you think I’m afraid

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You do you mate

Look, are you going to answer the question or not?

If not, just say so.

Your making more sense than most fellas. I think your right

The mods need to close this thread for 24 hours once a week… Lads need a break for their own sake.

It’s not a straight forward question

Fellas are tipping over. Great to see

Do you agree with schools staying closed and building sites shut down?

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When was the weekend it was actually closed? Genuinely saved a few lads heads from exploding I’d say :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Only because the query makes you uncomfortable.

But the question could not be plainer: where did you derive your sense of entitlement about taking on risk for other people? Why are you, in other words, more important and/or more valuable than them?

Is it merely common or garden ego? Or do you have a political philosophy behind the sense of entitlement?

Have a go. After all, you cannot make yourself look more foolish.

I know you haven’t the balls to engage with me in debate but I will continue to expose your incorrect portrayals of my positions.

I believe on balance Sweden has overall bad the best approach, sensible measures that are achievable and balance competing risks. I feel the same about Florida and other US states that ended lockdown as a primary response back in April / May of last year.

You are free to disagree, but at least try and provide an explanation for countries and states still in lockdown but having worse outcomes both in terms of Covid casualties and economic harm.


Not particularly – especially the schools. But what would my ‘agreement’ or ‘non agreement’ signify? I am just a lay person – albeit one without a reflexive bias against anything state or public sector related.

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Good lord what a fruitcake

Sorry, thought i let down the colective intelligence average of the group. Small bit at the end of my tether, you see.