Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Lock it down.

Hang in there bud. We’ll all get though it. Hope all is well. Tis a good place to get the frustration out. :joy:

I wanted to get a baseline for your personal view on the current lockdown. I personally would be happy with level 5 and schools and building sites open.

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Look, I know your ego finds this stuff hard to process but I have absolutely no interest in you. Take that comment any way you want, including as Ego Pie. No difference to me.

You are essentially George Hook with a tan. I made absolute ribbons of you when I first came on this board and the same still holds true. You can ráiméis about “done with Covid” on your hamster wheel all you want, with all the other hamsters. So be it. I am not interested.

Now take a hint, if only to cleave some difference between you and Hooky.

Can anyone spot which states successfully used masks and lockdowns to change the trajectory?


Is there a market fir this on betfair? I’m still backing the vaccine. Up science up riding

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Again, I would have no difficulty there if the risk assessments stood up. But risk is the.central issue.

I do think teachers need to offer some leadership. But, again, it is one of those situations where it is all grand until it is not grand… If someone gets really ill or dies from classroom contact, where does the buck stop?

I have no answer to give. I merely am highly suspicious of people with pat cookie cutter answers.

Just say you do not want to answer the question.

Or: you are the ‘herd immunity’ merchant. Just tell us on what basis you want to sell others risk.

No takers?

Those contain inconvenient things like data and facts. Easier to lock people in their homes and call you a murderer.


Only thing i find funny is the large retirement community in florida


Lockdowns only harm lads looking for a pint

How is florida man not murdering grannys?

He must be a ballsy fucker whoever he is

I hope the graph is correct. It seems to have dampened the conversation somewhat

He sounds like a lad with pointy elbows climbing the ladder and trying to get to the head of the queue while climbing the greasy pole

Will a change of the U.S. administration help find an answer?

Biden will be tougher on China than President Trump because President Biden is very smart and strategic and he understands that American power and American strength doesn’t rest on bluster, it rests on principles, it rests on partnerships, and alliances and accountability. And the Trump administration unfortunately gave China a pass by over politicizing the question of the origin of the virus by alienating America’s partners and allies.

More lockdowns. It’s the answer to everything nowadays.

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First confirmed house party I have heard of tonight. Four lads I know drinking a slab of bottles in rural Ireland.

Call the police.

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