Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™d say it could be herd immunity in the 6 counties.

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Shots fired at Covid checkpoint

Greg Hughes

2tuSponscoghired Ā·


Fve people have been arrested following an Incident close to Donegal Town during which a detective discharged his weapon.

At around 3.30pm a vehicle failed to stop for a patrol vehicle. The patrol car was rammed a number of times with the suspects fleeing towards the Tullyearl Roundabout.

They tried to avoid a covid checkpoint but crashed.

Four were arrested at the scene but the driver fled and was pursued by a detective who discharged a warning shot. The man was later found in a nearby shed and arrested following a struggle.

A detective suffered injuries to his hand.

The two men and three women, who are from Northern Ireland, are being detained at Letterkenny Garda Station.

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woh wohā€¦
are you saying the so called frontline staff might have to work more than 39 hours a week??

Is it racially motivated? Could set the forum off again

Looking good. On the right path

RTE news : Europe, vaccines and variants: The race against time

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a cod but a fair bit of this ā€˜pandemicā€™ relies on gullibility, imagination and propaganda.


So is it a cod or not?


The Worry Index is Propaganda 101.

Heā€™s not saying

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Iā€™d say boris is delighted to be the first prime minister ever not to have to wade through them big red boxes of paper every evening. Some sir Humphrey character whispers in his ear, " tell them about a new variant prime minister "

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What part of ā€œa fair bit of this ā€˜pandemicā€™ relies on gullibility, imagination and propagandaā€ didnā€™t you understand, Socrates?


Some loolas wading in there.

People are living longer than ever. Modern medicine and big pharma doing too good a job.

Tbf Ian wouldnt be playing off the full deck at this stage. Small pharma would be more Ianā€™s lot.


Ian wouldnā€™t have been half as good if heā€™d relied on drugs from big pharma

Fine Gael were always the party of the big farma


How many yokes has he popped in his days?

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