Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

People need to put pressure on their politicians and journalists. There’s literally no point in waiting for them to do the right thing…there are enough studies, trials, professional anecdotes etc at this stage. But you just know people adopt a narrative and that becomes who they are, it’s like a religion. It’s truly phenomenal.
If any of the excuses we have for journalists were to ask a question of the experts etc you already know their answer. It would be evasive, cynical and applicable to hundreds of other situations where they successfully avoided responsibility, effort and action.

‘Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds’.

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It seems to be getting more and more traction in the media. Times UK ran a column on it yesterday. They are now doing a study on it in the UK hopefully it gets a green light everywhere. Ventilators seem to have poor outcomes especially amongst 55-64.

From what I can see ventilators were used at least partly to prevent transmission rather than as a treatment

you can see that from your farm in derry?

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Look i agree with you on the most part but politician’s and journalist are all feeding fro. The same trough. And to fuel this they need to feed the masses fear regardless of the fact. People don’t want the facts they want sensational headlines spoonfed to them and to clap their hands like seals at anyone who is offering an easy ready made solution to the fear.

We have seen this in the states for years with terrorism and now trumpism vs blm. Its here in ireland. OIUTF is not a popular opinion nor is the comfortable masses going to go for it. Its the hard option. It won’t happen for years


Until we implement a Strategy of National Aggressive Suppression we are always going to be behind the 8 ball here I fear

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Its generally up to the students to revolt though. We have seen how effective that can be with referendums in recent times. Home to vote etc.

The students have been told freedom means 57 bathrooms and 86 changing rooms. They’ve fought their fight and won their battle. They’re literally free now.

Yeah ask yourself where do they fall? The loud vocal ones of that age group are the ones who believe we should all be locked up. And love to virtu signal if you go against their mantra. They don’t believe what they claim to believe in just follow the crowd. It doesn’t help that the GOD lunatics are the only ones vocal against it. Protest and demonstrate against any restrictions you are wither lumped in as one of them or the right wingers come along and take over.

You’re probably right. We’ve seen reasonably intelligent lads on here completely losing the run of themselves …proud independent sailors and tennis club members reduced to simpering wrecks. There was probably a time when they wanted to be men.

If you go onto Tik Tok where young people spend their hours you will find a majority OIUTF narrative from a few posters cashing in on this narrative with general inoffensive OIUTF sketches.

The same youngsters who like this content are not on FB, don’t really use Twitter and Instagram is a prism of young ones in bikinis which is not suited to expressing an opinion. The only young people who express an opinion are student union types like Lauren Guilfoyle who are either genuine lick arses in paid sponsorship by NPHET or a few members of Young FG/SF who are weirdos to the general youth population but the only ones who express an opinion. This opinion is to keep saying what Tony says.


As I said there are 2 ends of the covid spectrum one is the 5G/covid deniers. Dangerous folks and the other end is the zero covids who have no practical ideas on stopping covid bar lock up 8 billion people.

What I would like to see is more people question statements from government and offical organisations. Most is bullshit that anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour, patterns of the spread of the disease, science or data analysis can see. We have a big issue in this country of oh look over there and the amadans follow. For example this week its all about mandatory quarantine of people coming into ireland yet the elephant in the room is the hospital setting. Previously it was masks, pubs, young people or the travelling community (they are getting a worse blame than they deserve)

People need to look at the facts and draw there own conclusions. Turn off rte and twitter and think of it themselves. Afterwards if they believe we should lockdown fair enough individuals are entitled to their opinions

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There’s a superb post in there somewhere! You should redraft it, trim the fat etc…keep the bits about weirdos, Laura, insights into social media for oul lads and the bikinis.
Could be a good post!

It seems like nothing is binary except the lidtf vs oiutf argument!

I didn’t check thesaurus but you get the drift

Yeah there have been protests in most European cities this weekend. Amsterdam, Vienna, Copenhagen, Paris etc. Who in their right mind would team up with GOD and Waters. They are a large part of the reason why you can’t question anything in this country. I think this weekend will see a paradigm shift with Martin saying we could be looking at extended restrictions until at least the end of June and still no semblance of a credible plan.


I do. That’s why thought it had the makings of a superb post.

I don’t think its anything to do with GOD or waters. They’re not even prominent in mainstream media…just among a bunch of bredas and nualas on social media…see coty for example


Everything is binary in 2021. Do I understand the LIDTF argument i do, do I agree with it no. Is there a compromise yes but there is fuck all that will be done.

I’m more worried about the amount of people my age with significant following online (maybe they are all loud together i dunno) that are happy to eat shit from the goverment and believe it. Yet oppose them in normal policy and want change socially as ffg are elitist liars? Do they not think for a second that they might be manipulating these people? I remember watching the great hack and thinking those yanks are so gullible how did they fall for that? Yet here we are i see people i know well screaming that airports and ports be closed yet the biggest hotspot for covid is next door to their parents gaff in raheen