Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The people are broken. The lack of hope in the Irish people is frightening

Maybe part of the problem is the pup payment. Who the fuck gives out that sort of money. Then again they’re getting sweet FA in the states and they seem to be bending over.

A lockdown until June is a war crime


I agree with paying PUP, its a vital lifeline to people that isn’t even covering most of their living costs. I rather them get it than starve or be homeless thats not a fair point as to why people are happy with the status quo.

I disagree with civil servants who are on full pay and refuse to work due to fear of covid. They should be on the PUP in that case. I don’t need to give examples

We should have our own nuremburg trials in navan.

I think people having to pay tax on PUP with revenue chasing hard for this in the last week or so will concentrate a few minds. October Budget could be savage as well. We will be paying for ourselves and rest of Europe. I’m sure the people behind the iron curtain were downtrodden and defeatist too but eventually the tide will turn. They can’t just keep us locked down indefinitely.

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Gas cunts

It’s only another 5 months. Hold firm.

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The boys are doing a great job protesting on here for the last 10 months.

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Good morning bud

The Dutch burning down testing centres.

Mary Lou pleading again for the NZ approach on Morning Ireland this morning. 14 day mandatory quarantine for all arrivals to The Island.

I hadn’t been following the news as much in the last few days and was astonished to hear they’re proposing schools back after Paddy’s Day and lockdown til June. I’d say in a lot of places that kind of talk would spark riots - and I see the normally couldn’t-be-arsed Dutchies have kicked off over the weekend. Lucky for the gubberment we love the 2004 Munster Final so much.

Ah tbf most are very funny.

There are a small few tethering on full mental too mind.

One way to stop case numbers

Blessed morning to you pal.

Mary Lou and SF have had a terrible covid. FFG will call a GE as soon as its feasible and SF will be back to 10-15 seats. And FFG have mad a balls of the whole thing.

Schools off till Paddy’s Day is madness… The rest needs to be done as you can’t trust the Irish to behave if they open up. As you say, the Irish will also do nothing about it so they could have said lockdown till December and it would make fuck all difference.

The next five months are critical


What’s the logic with schools, I dont get it? Transmission rates were very low… is it one last push to get everyone over the line for good?