Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Teitter and the teaching unions. I canā€™t see them open till after easter

Teachers mate. The cunts were never going back in unless cases went down to around 50 a day. Traitorous bastards. Should never have closed. The cunts are still in doing their shopping in Tesco or Dunnes where people have been stacking shelves with hundreds of people walking around all day.


Theyā€™re concerned about the mass movement of about 1 million staff/students if they were to open at the current levels.

Rte are to blame For all of this.



I thought this was a good article. No answers really but shows how short term current thinking is, there are a lot of questions that will need to be answered once mass vaccination gets underway.

This is whatā€™s wrong with charities. Youā€™d imagine Oxfam would have better things to be doing with their resources


This is true and when you put it like that it makes complete sense.

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Most teachers want to go back pal. Youre fishing to the gallery here.


They must be a very silent majority so

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I was listening to Morning Ireland there earlier. Audrey Carville was interviewing a hospital doctor from Cork. Audrey says you paint a picture of unsustainable pressure. The doctor waffles on for a few minutes painting a picture that sounds manageable and then says the situation is stable at the current rates of infection


It must be very tough for themā€¦ Damned if they do/dont. Working in one class all day with 30 little creatures sneezing and snorting all over the placeā€¦ helping special needs kids go to the toilet etc.

Ah they do, ya

Would they be in any danger? Itā€™s a tough job in some ways ā€¦sometimes, but they do get paid for it after all. The vast majority of teachers will manage to sail through their entire career without having to take any student to the toilet

Iā€™d say itā€™s no worse than a normal winter in an Irish hospital, maybe even easier in some respects, if you are an A&E doctor for example

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Eamonn Ryan on with the lovely Claire Byrne here. You canā€™t fly now according to this cunt, guards turning you away from airport or fine you as itā€™s over a 5k and hols arenā€™t essential

If the few I knowā€™s social media postings are anything to go by, they certainly donā€™t.

If you live within 5k of the airport can you fly?

You can but the flight must be less than 5k

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