Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

As in if you live on a runway?

Thatā€™s very convenient for your stanceā€¦

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Or Swords, North Dublin, Shannon etc

I have no stance whatsoever on teachers

Your wider berserker stance.

You canā€™t leave but any riddled cunt can come in

How? If teachers donā€™t feel safe they donā€™t feel safe.

I like my job and like having somewhere to go now the government have closed everything but a lot of lads in my place are very annoyed they have to work when loads of others get to sit at home. Iā€™d imagine teachers feel the same

If you rocked up to the airport and said you were emigrating would you be ok?

This is very true, Iā€™d say every single teacher Iā€™ve spoken to would rather be in the class in an ideal world, maybe half would be happy to go back in tomorrow morning, I completely understand the reluctance of the other half.
Iā€™d love to be back in class, teaching is a very enjoyable job in the main, particularly between 9 and 3, this shit weā€™re doing now is zero craic,

Youā€™d be a little disappointed in some lads fishing for very handy likes on a serious matter,
Vaccinate the teachers and force most of them back in that way, vaccinate special Ed teachers ASAP,


Iā€™d say itā€™s mixed. Currently, you couldnā€™t send teachers in, stuck in the one room all day and all those teachers/students/parents on the go to and from schoolā€¦ But in 2/3 weeks weā€™ll be back to low hundreds if not below it and I personally think mid March is a tad too long.

I would imagine there were a good few cases alright but the latest wave changed the game.

I think schools should be open, I think they are relatively safe. I get where teachers are coming from though. Our leading medics are telling everyone to WFH, to be in contact with no one, to hide in your house like a hermit for months on endā€¦oh but schools are safe.

June will be here in no time .

This will be over before lads know it.

It will. Holohan will maybe allow us into a neighbouring county on a day trip by then

You should get together and form a union, it would be good for the reputation of the profession if this urgency was known



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Ffs. I wouldnā€™t rule anything out at this stage

Thatā€™s where you are now, snipping quotes for a petty dig?

You rail away on TFK if it helps.

Itā€™s only 127 days!!
