Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What the fuck is a "breathing accident " Are the brits that fucking thick that they forget to breathe.

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Think gary speed I suspect

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Thatā€™s Tories with plastic bags over their heads.



Roughly 31-32 thousand people have died in this country from all causes over the last 4 or 5 years.

Iā€™m keen to see the final count on 2020 which isnt out yet I dont think.

I canā€™t get my head around how we havent had any flu cases to be honest at all. Its staggering particularly during October to December.

Maybe I was completely wrong on the masks :rofl:

As was said to me last night, Iā€™m no scientist, but when was the last winter that we had no flu?

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Do ye think the feckin pcr test cant tell the difference?

The PCR test as is, isnt fit for purpose in my view.

Its sounds like its literally too good at what it is supposed to do, ie its producing a large number of false positives consistently by picking up fragments of bacteria that arent making the patient sick.

That, or this covid is not even a bad flu season in reality. Its hard to know to be honest.

The deaths and chaos from March and April have never been explained properly either. How was that such an outlier in terms of deaths primarily?

He is speaking from experience

The pcr test is a cash cow, and about as sanitary as a teenage new years eve disco.
Look at the island of Ireland, huge statistical discrepancy in deaths per cases. Utter bollox, its purely down to testing and attribution.
Thereā€™ll want to be a citizens court and a firing squad after this


I always suspected you were a seedy fucker

Whatā€™s that about?? :thinking::thinking:

You knewā€¦

I didnā€™t but I suspected

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No. You knew.

The only thing that can save us now is a polar vortex which will bring 3 or 4 feet of snow for month of January.

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Dont be trying to drag me into your seedy little world. If you go down for this, you ainā€™t dragging me down with you. Iā€™m deleting my history as we speak and ordering a ā‚¬30 shredder off Amazon in the morning

Thats well seen as a total fake scandal (cervical check) The RCOG review found screening programme here fine. That wasnā€™t publicised. Itā€™s not supposed to be diagnostic test. It works on a population base. The fact that there are false negatives is part of screening. Most countries donā€™t even do audits of screening never mind disclose them. Sweden gives 10k max for the same thing IF negligence proven.

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The spike in cases seems to suggest mask wearing makes fuck all difference to Covid but does stop colds and flu.