Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


Poor man trying to go for a walk on the beach ffs. What harm was he doing


Iā€™ve a genuine issue here. If you accept that lockdowns work (I dont), how long is it morally justifiable to lock a population up for? The longer this goes the worse the fallout will be. Eventually we need to open back up, one way or another.

Could he not go for a walk on the road?

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I hope they lock that animal up

A man on his own going to a deserted beach in January in sub zero temperatures and gets fined. I dont think he was a significant epidemiology risk. Jesus Wept.

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Itā€™s not pretty to point out that thereā€™s been silence from teachers on the issue of opening schools

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I got stopped for the first time on my way to sea swimming this morning. Previously I was sure of beating the checkpoints if I went out before 7:30. Now Iā€™m a little worried.

I told him I was going grocery shopping and he laughed at me in a big Kerry accent and said ā€œYouā€™re some lad!ā€ and waved me on.

To talk about the airports checkpoints - would I be right in thinking that you can still get a bus to the airport? Would that work?

They let him off with a warning.

And the Guards boasting about it


You can and in conversation with my brother yesterday who wants to go on holidays for a couple of weeks this was a proposed solution to checkpoints.

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The guards must be absolutely mortified having to partake in this nonsense

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You can tell them itā€™s essential travel because if you canā€™t get to the airport you canā€™t get your flight

Well in the unlikely event that your brother has any interest in my input, I think his plan should work and I wish him a pleasant trip.

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No they fined him because he went down the road to another beach. I blame the Happy Pear twins.

He was in contravention of public health regulations and must be punished


Precisely. They let him off without a fine, and he ignored their decency.

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The other option I was thinking of was an essential visit to an isolated person living abroad alone.

Whatā€™s the alternative to lockdowns? every time they have opened the country up people have gone mad and weā€™re looking at deaths of 40-70 ā€¦ Saying ā€˜social distancedā€™ and the reality of it are two different things. I dont understand your moral argumentā€¦ are we also not morally responsible for the people contracting the disease , getting sick and dying? Is a society not judged on how it treats itā€™s weakest , not itā€™s strongest?

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It was a fantastic bit of crime detection in fairness