Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Can I also just @Julio_Geordio , you who knows about these things, what is the story with that young man getting shot at by the cops in Donegal? Is it now the rule that if you try to run past the Covid checkpoint the guards will pull out a gun and shoot you dead?

I find this a bit bizarre. Vaccination is on the way and this is the route to opening back up. It’s literally in the near future.

127 days away only.

you won’t feel it

Just like the old days

My moral argument is that it is acknowledged by all that lockdowns do serious harm to the population (how serious will be found out in due course). We are as morally responsible for them as we are the still relatively small amount of people who are dying from/with covid.

Say there is no vaccine or the vaccine doesn’t work, how long is it acceptable to damage the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands to protect these people? Going by what has happened so far, a lockdown could be justified every flu season


Isn’t is amazing how disconnected teaching unions are from teachers. Couldn’t be further apart by the look it. How is that?

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Our grandfathers stormed normandy — we’re being asked to sit at home, drink beer and watch sport on tv for a few months… Yet lads cant hack it.

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‘a lorry load of OIUTFers approached the border town’


You cant be dealing in what if’s. There is a vaccine and its being rolled out. Dont torment yourself worrying about something that may or may not happen.

Go for a walk there, within 5K though.

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Again, the first point is bizarre, vaccination has started. So what’s your point?

Your second point is just completely wrong.

That’s an original argument - have you put it forward to anyone in power? If you’re genuinely concerned for the welfare of the country I urge you to start a movement - inform people and mobilize them to force change. Otherwise you are not acting morally responsibly as you are letting the corrupt win.Men like you let the Nazis take control.

And again, snip the quote to make it say what you want,
Internet reputations are serious business

Going by O6 figures, I make it around 0.67% fatality rate under the age of 80, brought up heavily by the 60-79 grouping

See below for a more detailed breakdown

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I’m asking a question. If teachers want to go back why are unions saying the opposite.


TFK is my movement

Victoria White says: : take the car off him and let the langer walk. Victoria has been busy taking pictures of “socially distant snowmen” and juxtaposing them with young fellas playing football.

John O Donnell says “Must have really wanted a bag of cans on the beach :D”. John is an Xbox gamer and works with Paddy Power.

Kian Griffin; “says you are most likely to never crash your car but you’d still wear a seatbelt, wouldn’t you”. Kian who is a Gamer and Apple tech support seems to have gone off on a bit of a tangent.

One of lone dissenting voices - David who is a lifeguard sarcastically says “terrific job, give yourselves a big pat on the back for a good hard days work”

Not hard to see a profile of LIDTF advocates and why exactly they may prefer if it was indefinite duration.


You need to mobilize the people. Yourself, @Tank @Tim_Riggins and @Julio_Geordio should start a movement to protest against the evil of lockdowns. You’re talking about morals… will you be able to live with yourself after all this knowing you had the power and knowledge to stand up to the oppression but you just sat back and let it happen?

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Re the first point: there has been a lot of talk of the vaccine not working or a newer, vaccine-resistant strain emerging. I dont actually think that will happen but I’m just making the hypothetical point. I already think lockdown measures have gone on too long but some out there seem to think endless lockdowns are justifiable.

Re the second point: the justification of lockdown measures has always been to stop the health service becoming overwhelmed. Flu routinely overwhelms our health service