Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

And youā€™re asking that question of me on the basis of snipping my quote to make it appear I said something I didnā€™t!

Thereā€™s this global pandemic

Why are you making the hypothetical point rather than dealing with the situation that we are in? It doesnā€™t make sense.

And no, it doesnā€™t, not to the extent that covid could. To be honest, youā€™re being a bit of an arsehole in saying that. Have you forgotten what happened in Italy and Spain and New York and other places? Flu doesnā€™t do that.

Weā€™re being asked to make a very small sacrifice so health workers are not over run, so people dont get sick and people dont die. What a privilege it is to be young and healthy and alive to be able to do that - in a few years you can tell your own children, with satisfaction, you stood up and were counted when needed.

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if there was some supporting data to justify the restrictions people would support themā€¦
letā€™s do a dangerous thing here now and look at facts
(back of envelope calculation)
188k people in Ireland with the thing
2.8k dead
so if you get this there is a 1.4% chance you may dieā€¦ 1.4% lads.
now. analyse the 2.8k by age bucket and you will see its weighted x8 towards aged over 70ā€¦
id hazard an educated guess that if you are under 50 to 60 and in reasonably good nick and if you get covid you have less that 0.3 to 0 4 chance of dyingā€¦

thats the issueā€¦it is a fucking joke.
the nonsense and porn around the 6k cases had joe public thinking his kids would dieā€¦ lads it is fucking unbelievable this level of nonsense.

there is reference to personal responsibility.
that onus falls on people who are compromised by health and old age.stay the fuck inside and cop on if you fall into these categories or work with these people as this is the only cohort of society who this bothersā€¦these fuckers should be vaccinated pronto and then we re doneā€¦wasting vaccines on student doctors is nonsense as statistically they virtually cannot die from this bar anomaliesā€¦again the obsession with cases and contactsā€¦complete hyperbole and nonsense

the whole thing is a depiction of farce and well educated middle class people buying into this show how fucked society is


We could be in that situation if the vaccine doesnā€™t work.

I havenā€™t forgotten. I also havenā€™t forgotten what hospital was like at Christmas 2019 when I feared my mother would pass away. The regional was like a war-zone. Trolleys strewn everywhere. 10 hour wait for A&E. If that isnā€™t an overwhelmed health service I dont know what is

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Great post. Will you repeat it again tomorrow like youā€™ve done for months? :rofl:


All Iā€™m say is that itā€™s disingenuous for teachers to say they all want to go back to the classroom when their unions are saying the opposite.

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Iā€™m not for turning

Weā€™ll be back in business by June.

Are unions saying that teachers are happier out of the classroom, thereā€™s a surprise!

You deliberately misinterpreted my post and edited it to suit yourself,

I would love that to be true but the optics suggest the government are scared of their life of opening the place up ā€¦to have a dunt off FFG the sheeple decided to have a rant at leo for opening the place at Christmasā€¦now theyā€™ll want the place back open and blame him for keeping ir closedā€¦

id conservatively guesstimate
schools are September
9 euro pubs maybe around July
sporting eventsā€¦meh 200 people at best

A lot of people are making fuck all of a sacrifice other than sitting on their hole while on full pay. A lot of other people are losing businesses that theyā€™ve built up from nothing. A lot of children are sitting in bleak homes with useless parents with no end in sightā€¦


I didnā€™t edit your post, I quoted the relevant point.

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Bleak homes arent the pandemicā€™s fault - they were there already. Businesses is a tragedy alright ā€¦ Itā€™s a shame that every time weā€™ve opened up people just couldnt socially distance and behave themselves and weā€™d all be able to motor a long in some capacity.

Sure you did, half a sentence.

If thatā€™s how you want to do it I canā€™t help it, Iā€™m not going to argue a point that any fool could see I didnā€™t make

Ah its nice someone acknowledges him from time to time.

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Is he in the studio telling people to stay at home?

Itā€™s as simple as this pal, people are sick of every teacher saying theyā€™d love to be back when we all know ye wonā€™t be back until Easter. Prisoners to the all powerful union sadly.

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Itā€™s up to J&J to save us now. The wan jabber will be a game changer

w.r.t schools
homeschooling for primary kids is wreckless IMHO.
its grand for some cunt like me who has flexibility at work and can give the 3 hours after breakfast.
but its not always that way ā€¦there are families with 3 4 kids killing each other over a phone. parents having to work at the kitchen table 9 to 5ā€¦parents clattering their kids as this situation has exacerbated households where bad stuff is already happening.

primary school should be just called off ā€¦and leave it go thru the summer if we go back after Easter.
putting teachers holidays first is utterly disgusting