Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Pity you wouldn’t say that without putting words in my mouth so.

If you honestly believe that teachers are happier with current arrangements than they would be in safe classrooms then you clearly have very little time for teachers in general, you’re certainly not alone in that view

But it’s the responsibility of the state and teachers to provide an education and a safe nurturing environment. And the lockdown, social distancing argument is bollox. It’s been shown the world over that the virus follows the same trajectory, regardless…that’s before the implications of job losses etc are considered.

All this small sacrifice, all in it together bullshit. Cut the pay of the teachers, experts and politicians. It’ll be sorted out in a few weeks.

I presume youre leading the charge with the rest of the lads here and mobilizing people to throw of the tyranny of lockdowns?

Faucci thinks they’ll have it approved within 2 weeks.

I invented invermectin buddy. I done my bit so I did

I suppose Herman will be pricking around for months.

But that’s not the expected situation or the one we are preparing for. We’re in a different place and the route out of this is visible. Yet you’re arguing a hypothetical situation just so you can maintain your same old argument. Why? You seem completely stuck on it, it can’t be good for you.

Why not reassess based on the situation now rather than come up with hypotheticals so you can rehearse the same tired argument?

if anyone can dispute my statistics above I’m all ears

The mentallers have called it wrong from the start. They can;t possibly admit it though. Sure one of them actually said Sweden have a lower fatality rate than Ireland, when I probed such an obvious falsehood he said it was just based on a couple of days.

Cunts should be well able for covid so? You going OIUTF on us?

I think his point is more that if teachers are keen to get back, your representative body the union should be showing that more than they are.

For example, have your union clearly outline unequivocal terms needed to getting back in to classrooms for after Paddy’s Day. As you suggested, have us vaccinated and we can commit would be a great step forward and put the ball in the govts court. That would be a clear way of showing the commitment to returning as a group as opposed to individual teachers saying they want to go back but can’t.

Instead it seems to a lot the union tail wags the dog and, to the more cynical, that teachers are comfortable with the current malaise.

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Tracksuit is a me feiner. As long as he gets his way, he doesn’t give a toss.

He’ll then try and spin a yarn to portray himself as a victim, typical teacher.

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I don’t know the man but from the bit picked up here, I don’t believe that given work with those in disadvantaged areas of Limerick city


I have to disagree.

He’s very disingenuous.

That’s fair enough, I honestly don’t know, I’ve never had time for unions,
I’m speaking only of my personal opinion and that of people I’ve d at pikes to on the issue, I don’t appreciate having my posts edited to make it look like I said something I didn’t,

I absolutely understand that many people would have concerns about returning to work in those conditions, I know that a high percentage of parents wouldn’t allow their kids back in to school, I’m not sure I f that has been given enough consideration,

But the accusation is that teachers are happier to receive the paycheque while working from home than they would be if they could return to what they consider a safe working environment

He’s too honest for here.

He was a fierce nice fella when he arrived first. This place changed him though. In ways he doesn’t even realise for certain yet himself.

Why don’t you work during the summer months to make up for it?

I do July provision, my own kids deserve a holiday as well,

But if I’m asked to go in I’ll go in and I won’t whinge about it

Most people have 20-25 annual leave days a year mate.

It’s that sense of entitlement and justification of those unprecedented levels of leave that gets up people’s backs.