Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Other people do different jobs obviously, Iā€™m not going to go this with you

But Iā€™ve mentioned before my meagre salary, and itā€™s not a word of a lie to say I earned more money selling tiles and bathrooms 20 years ago,
But weā€™ve gone off the point again

sounds make words page 43

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What do you consider meagre?

Looks to me like you are gaslighting and belittling the working class.

Why are you so filled with hate? Let that anger go.

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This crowd have been promising big thingsā€¦a group of experts apparently, who are about to offer the uk government a way out of the mess etc. Couple of hours to go

Google tells me (via Irish Times) that the average full time salary in Ireland is ā‚¬49,000 and it would take a teacher nearly ten years in full-time employment to get to that. The lads teaching might shed some more light on that, but theyā€™re certainly not raking it in.


Iā€™m filled with emotion and I believe in an equitable society.

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But youā€™ve got 4 months to run a business, get part time work etc. Iā€™d say most people are in a job 10 years before getting 49k

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Great news
some jobsworth in the eu has just told AZ they must deliver on production commits even tho they flagged they donā€™t have manufacturing capability.

easily done, just turn off all quality control and sampling and horse out shite ā€¦
of course the fact they convinced the EU they had the capability in the first place is another thing and the EU paid up front but thatā€™s what you get when you convince people there is a killer disease on the looseā€¦


Teaching is a part time job.

A teacher should be on ā‚¬49k a year so by the early 30s? How long does it take people in other professions to reach that in their full time role.

I did a good post for you earlier that converted teaching and itā€™s perks to an equivalent full time role. Teaching under normal working hours and leave entitlements is a professions with as salary scale of ā‚¬70-130k.

Do you know many teachers who run their own businesses? Primary teachers have two months off in the summer. I know one teacher that has a fitness business going, but other than that, the only work I know of teachers doing is a bit of farming or grinds.

Really poor procurement from the EU.

Heads should roll.

Two or three at Christmas, 1 or 2 in November, another 1 in February, another couple at easter etc etc.

Would you ever think of doing it yourself?

I didnā€™t edit your post, you stupid bastard. Did I edit this one above?

Bit of a kop out of a reply from you when your spin is dismantled.

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I can just imagine the ceo of AZ patting her on the headā€¦knowing he is in full control

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