Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Did you get dumped by a teacher or what happened you at all?

Vilifying and alienating people will not create this society.

Em, you didn’t quote the post in its entirety, therefore you edited it, you didn’t even quote the entire sentence, just the bit that suited you. This is not up for debate, that is a fact. You replied to the post and then you deleted what you wanted to,
You can call it what you want but you knew what you were doing.

Thought I read somewhere that a public servant needs to earn over €92k gross to come out with a 1k a week in his /her paw…

Public servants have gold plated pensions and job security.

92k would only get you 1,109 a week anyway, so quibbling over 1200 a year for a gold plated pension?

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Yes. The last school I taught in had an electrician, a photographer, a coffee roaster, a barman, several farmers, a picture farmer, a few professional landlords, a few gaa coaches, a lad that had a warehouse full of toys to sell online etc. Par for the course really. Any man that is going home at 3pm to sit in his hole needs to take a look at himself, nevermind the holidays…

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You are very concerned about people sitting on their holes… Most of my teacher friends do some kind of after school club/work. Not every day granted, but most days.

Good for them. I dont have a problem with the profession generally. It’s not easy depending on where you’re teaching. It can be an extremely demanding job if you’re teaching teenagers in a deprived area. It should be well paid and I think better than average holidays are important for pupils and teachers. But the profession is disgracing itself over this past year

Huh? I asked you a question. Answer it, you absolute coward.

For what it’s worth, I’ve no problems with those salaries you’ve posted for teachers. I’m a parent now and would like to have qualified and intelligent people, who are well remunerated, teaching my kids.

It’s a bit silly of everyone (myself included) to ever speak of a profession as if they’re unified in their thoughts and actions, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is an old internet crank with nothing better to be doing so I don’t pay a bit of attention to him.
I generally speak for myself when i get involved in teacher discussion here, truth is I don’t know a whole pile more teachers than the average Joe,
I always hated Unions, not the idea of Unions but the bullshit politics that go along with it, very often greed as well, I’m a member of INTO now and i don’t even know why, maybe it’s a requirement but i forget,
honestly i want to do my job to the best of my ability and have a bit of fun doing it, that’s why I do it, I can’t do that now, I’d love to go in tomorrow but I’d have some shitty childcare issues, but I’d get over that.


No you are trying to deflect after you tried to mislead us with disingenuous statistics.

I don’t want to be a teacher but if I didn’t like my job or my current profession I’d leave and try something more acceptable to me.

I wouldn’t strike and refuse to go to work and demand my full pay and holidays while doing so.

Ah lads…

Fellas are coming apart at the seams if they’re going to those lengths to make a point for the OIUTF crew.

Teacher’s are massively underpaid.


The normal flu virus, how transmissible is it compared to COVID? That would be fairly important info considering the statement your making there.

My statistics were accurate.

A year’s salary is a year’s salary.

I’d agree. I wouldn’t do it for love nor money. It’s a vocation for many. I had some absolutely brilliant teachers. Probably could have made a fortune in other types of work that they were more than capable of taking up.

Your stats were misleading. You neglected to mention the leave they get in November, December, January, Ferbuary, March/April along with that in June/July/Aug. I did a very comprehensive post for you before when you last tried to mislead the forum.

Unsurprisingly you didn’t respond.

Nonsense …I mean how hard would it be to deal with 30 little @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy’s??

Driving a forklift and spending all day posting on the internet and never lose an argument requires a level of both physical skill and mental acumen that few possess. Not many teachers could pull that off.
Lads need to show a bit of respect here.


It’s amazing that the majority of teachers want to go back in school, parents want their kids back to school, even Nphet want schools open, yet Teacher Unions don’t. Maybe someone misread or edited an email somewhere along the way.