Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You mental cunt. I made this point hours ago to @Thomas_Brady and you stuck your nose in. After 10 posts you havenā€™t commented on the teaching unionā€™s stance.


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Today is wonderful day.

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I think itā€™s a mix Ambrose.

Any teacher I know would be back in the morning if they were vaccinated. Parents I talk to have varied opinions.

Some teachers I know would go back in the morning without vaccinations. Others wouldnā€™t. One teacher I know is back living with her parents for last couple of years as she is going through a divorce. Both her parents are 70+ and recent cancer survivors, and she is worried about brining it back home to them.

And how are teachers unique here? People work on hero zero hour, short term contracts, laid off routinely?

So why are teachers above that?

I didnā€™t stick my nose in, you replied to me, by misrepresenting what I said (or clearly didnā€™t say)

My point is that for many it takes longer than ten years to make it to the average salary in Ireland. Your previous point noted that it takes most professions that or more to get there. If you canā€™t grasp that, weā€™ll leave it there for today, as Iā€™ve a meeting starting.

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There were fuck all cases from Sept to Dec and schools were open. Why do we have to keep them closed until mid March now?

If I quoted it, you did say it. If I edited your quote, that would be misrepresenting you.

They have to go.

Because yourself and @Batigol couldnā€™t control yourself in December and numbers are through the roof.

I am fully aware that you will never admit to making a mistake on the internet, I believe these things are important to some people around here for some reason which i donā€™t understand.

As i see it if you cut somebodys sentence to make it appear as if they said something that any fool who read the full sentence would know they did not then that is disingenuous,
But you can justify it in semantics if you wish,

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Iā€™m not getting between you two lovers!

Unions have often been a hiding place for bluffers and spies with the odd very decent rep thrown in. But the odd teacher would get thrown under the bus only for them

I think you will find most people in part time jobs equivalent to the hours in teaching will never get there so again, how is this unique to teachers?

I have a masters degree mate. I think you will find most people go to univeristy these days and get their degrees and mastersā€¦

Sad to see you gaslighting the forklift drivers though.

Iā€™d imagine qualifying as an engineer, computer scientist, accountant or solicitor is a lot tougher than teaching kids their ABCs and 12x tables.

You would end up with a scenario where capable people would have zero interest in going teaching. This would have a lasting impact on the countries educated workforce over time.

It is the same with Dail now. A bunch of clowns are getting elected because nobody Capable has any interest being a td for the salary on offer.

You have to invest in the youth. Itā€™s a bit like dublin pumping money into their underage structures.

What you are suggesting is completely nuts.

Youā€™re very upset because you know what Iā€™m saying is true. I donā€™t bash teachers on here, I donā€™t think theyā€™re over paid and I couldnā€™t give a fuck about yeā€™re holidays. The way your unions have behaved since the start of January is a disgrace and I donā€™t believe the majority of teachers want to go back. Have as many last words as you want there now.

Just 127 more days

Development squads, whereby we pull the best 5-10 kids out of the school into elite classes, fire unlimited resources at them, and leaving the rest behind to twiddle their thumbs being taught by their parents, with a little help from crackpots doing the odd class on zoom or youtube.

By jove I think youā€™re onto something here.