Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You imagine a lot of things alright.

As i said a while ago I don’t particularly care what you or anybody else thinks of teachers in general, they’re just people, good and bad like the rest of us. The holidays are part of the job, anybody arguing about them is wasting their time,
You misrepresented me earlier, deliberately to make a cheap point, then you repeatedly denied having done so because to be wrong on the internet is something you can never do, strange to think but that’s all i can think it is.

But let it all out now.


Bunch of clowns have always been elected to being a TD. It’s Ireland.

Good. At the minute the education workforce are an entitled grouping who want all the pay and perks of their job without actually doing any work. They have downed tools after Christmas and refused to go to work.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

We’ll be down below a hundred by the end of Feb…


He has shit himself again.

Exponential rises, exponential drops. We’re flying it. This lockdown is really working.

LOCKDOWNS work. Just a few more weeks and we’ll be back waxing fannies :clap:

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I dont care if thats a euphenism or not, I’m fully backing it.

Most would also know how to spell ‘university’

Cheap shot.

Correcting spelling and grammar is a TFK tradition. Fall in.

I’m in, but thats a cheap shot.



I expect more from you.

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You’re a great man, I’m sure you have a positive impact on all the kids you teach. I’d be delighted if you were teaching my kids.

You could see the impact teaching had on you when you were such a good league manager for the Turds. @Lazarus joked about vetoing one of your transfers and you completely lost the head and tried to give him detention.


Numbers going down but unfortunately it’s much harder to exit lockdowns than it is to enter them.

So what you’re saying is we shouldn’t have gone into a lockdown some 10 months or so ago?

Any teacher will tell you (this is serious) that you’d put up with any old shit for a while, bad gags, fads, whatever.
But flogging a dead horse is an awful pain in the hole, Laz’s shtick was humorous for a while but he didn’t half go on with it.

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127 days pal. Nearly there :relaxed:

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