Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Paddy isnā€™t happy unless the guards make an exception for him and him alone.


Have they come out with any theory as to why numbers are falling?

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You cant answer that without a theory on why numbers shot up.

Do you reckon? I reckon poor auld Fulvio will still be having the same argument about teachers on day 128.

Lovely thoughtful message

He is incredibly giving on social media. Its a lovely trait of his.

I agreed with lockdown 1.0 and lockdown 3.0 to a degree but we did and we will exit them too slowly.

We will never get to zero.

The T said weā€™ll be open by June. 127 days to go.

Define open.

A meaningful opening. Pints, GAA matches and sex. - Not necessarily in that order.

A lovely genuine block. A nice fella

Lockdown 1 was justifiable. We didnā€™t have a clue what was going on

My argument is absolutely rock solid, there are no chinks in it, my defence is impregnable.

PMS :clap:

Meaningful sex

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Weā€™ll take it at this stageā€¦ Beggars canā€™t be choosers

Good few lads on serious dry spells, they need the pubs open.

The pubs opened and we were reporting 7000 cases a day as a result.

And every one of them traced back to pubs.

Get the oul sex out of the way and have the rest of the day to enjoy yourself