Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

some riot in bnei brak last night there @Fagan_ODowd - the haredim are opening all their schools and yeshivas despite lockdwon - the cops over there dont spare anyone - the lads in the beards have responded by burning the place down
tough one for bibi - he needs the haredim party UTJ on his side in April and is continually making concessions to them like closing towns on shabbat - between these and Naftali Bennet /Ayelet Shaked squeeing the air from him by demanding more support for the settler movement- he is creaking…

as an aside there the father in law was telling me Ozmat yehudit could have someone again- you’d see those lads handing out fliers at Beitar games - they are a bit like Sinn Fein but they follow Meir Kahane ( whose party were banned in israel after baruch goldstein killed 29 muslims in hebron) and want an extreme jewish state . taleban style , but they barely recognize the Haredim… but i guarantee you, if thety get someone in - Bibi will need him also to get over the line

as ive always said here before - the greatest threat to the state of israel is the secular / orthodox social war, in israel arabs and jews are grand, gaza is cut off and the problem with terrirtories dosent impact anyone bar the settlers and the palestinians… its in cities like Bnei Brak and Modiin Illit where the huge problems are now… not saknin or ramle where i lived - everyone gets on fine there


Sure mate.

I think I actually genuinely hate him now, not a casual dislike/he’s a bit annoying but a genuine hatred

This reflects poorly on me

I need more zen.

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Embrace the hate

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You had the floor but shit yourself.

Says it all.

you’re right and i agree 100% with LD1
the kill rate and audience for this thing now is fully undertood
I outlined the reasons for not being able to support rolling lockdowns earlier today and as to how those most impacted by these lockdowns have nothing whatsoever to gain from them as they arent impacted by the thing - but in many cases have the most to loose including livelihoods and mental health.
for those who like the “personal responsibility” soundbite that was covered also and its about fucking time that those who are actually impacted by this thing stayed the fuck indoors and those who are in contact with them did the same… vaccinate the lot of them pronto - not some brazilian hospital porter who is on 60 a day, its not covid that will kill him or some 25 year old LGFA radiographer who gets a sniffle out of thing… ID those who could die, write to them to stay indoors and commit to vaccinating them ASAP and publish the data daily * % done vs goal)… no talk of cases of this nonsense or sending 2 year olds for covid tests… any parent leaving a two year old with an 85 year old should face fucking a court… so why do we care if the 2 year old has covid, different situation if parent is on compromised list


Maybe start by not listening or watching things that you know will make you angry

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Gas cunts

I don’t see the point in getting into a silly cycle of replies with you where you repeat yourself over and over again and then congratulate yourself on winning another debate and then repeat yourself some more.


Congrats on another internet win @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


Sounds like the type of excuse a guy who doesn’t back himself would come forward with.

I don’t have time for people who make excuses for their inability to get things done.

Sure mate. If you try hard enough maybe you’ll find someone else to engage with your nonsense. Have a pleasant evening.

It’s a little known TFK fact that both my father and my grandfather were teachers, as was I briefly and I can guarantee you that I didn’t get paid enough. You put that waster @Lazarus in his place anyway, I respect that. No stale banter in your classroom.



have I missed much in the last 500 posts?

Meanwhile, a meat processing plant in Co Wexford has confirmed 42 positive Covid-19 cases following screening of staff.

Slaney Foods in Bunclody said this evening it is operating at a “significantly reduced capacity” as a result of the outbreak.

“In line with Covid-19 protocols, all close contacts of those impacted are currently self-isolating,” the company told RTÉ News in a statement.

So a big outbreak in a meat plant.

Is it closed.

Is it fuck


I put up an link to some fox investigation into Fauci. I reckon the lad has questions to answer.

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Open the pubs

Nphet have a Tramore GP schooled by George Lee with them today

They should go on strike.

Oh wait, they’d be fired.

Teachers, pay attention.

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