Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

To be fair to them, a lot of them are young and it must be tough. It’s not really alcohol they want, they want a semblance of order in their life and alcohol is how they are expressing this. We are all looking for order when faced with chaos - the current lockdown is the definition of personal chaos. Lads have been stripped of nearly everything and they are struggling to find meaning. Pints means a return to what they knew, or know… It’s familiarity. It’s safe. When they say pints they’re really saying I’m scared and not coping well , so as more senior citizens we should recognize this call for help and respond appropriately and try and help our more junior pals.



Well I was gonna suggest OnlyFans but you went and gave a serious answer.

Anyway, it’s a bollocks and best of luck.

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What this entire thing has highlighted is the shocking selfishness of some people.

Well then we’re stuck with rolling lockdowns.

Yes I know that, I’m being realistic. The vaccine is our only hope

Isn’t NZ and Aus (who the ZeroCovid lads things are the greatest thing in the whole wide universe) suggest that they’ll have closed borders/quarantine until 2022 earliest?

So presumably the ZeroCovid crowd would echo Leo’s comments or are they still at the “here’s the easy silver bullet and we won’t possibly discuss any of the difficult trade-offs or costs required” stage of blowing smoke up the holes of a desparate general public

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Best of luck mate. Dont think too far ahead. Break it down into days and weeks rather than months. Dont put too much pressure on yourself. You’re hands are tied but you can control what’s between the ears.
Look after yourself first and then you’ll be able to look after the family.

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apologies to @peddlerscross

we all want a return to normal - sorry for snapping


Sorry mate. If I could help, I would, believe me. My Mrs is on the PUP for the third time. I think next year actually is the year the economy will see the real effects and it won’t be pretty unfortunately :cry:

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I hate to speculate on what people do here for a living but judging on a few posts, I think you may be in the media and/or entertainment industries, two industries I’ve operated on the fringes of in the past

I’d be confident that when restrictions are eventually lifted, they are areas that will flourish again because people will be starved of new content and experiences. If you’ve something to sell when things kick back off, PM me mate and I will support.

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juhniallio gibney

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We only know one thing for certain about Juhy and that is he is in the vending machine business


When it was revealed in the summer he wasn’t, my heart sunk a little

That shebeen in Swords was a tidy setup.



Ireland doesn’t have the politicians with the necessary competency or bravery to go for the zero covid option. They are throwing these suggestions out there to make it look like they are doing something. They made no effort to control the borders when it started, the only reason they are pretending to do it now is because it must be relatively easy to enforce due to lack of people coming in to the country.

Trying to go for zero covid now, when we’ll be out the gap in 6 months seems a bit pointless.


Its funny how “brave” and “big calls” can be easily made from the opposition benches from parties of all hues but when they step into the hot chair they realise that its a lot more complicated than that and that there are usually pretty real downside consequences to most big decisions.

Shutting our borders (or effectively shutting them) is the “Burn the bondholders” clarion call ten years on. Most people seem happy to go along with it because it seems like a relatively pain-free silver bullet and those who push it do so in slogans and through dismissing any reasonable concerns.


Yup. For context, the NSW and Victorian border has just 50 crossings.

There is 300k living along 4,600km.

They are 2.5 hours plus away from the major metro areas.

We have over 300 roads in a vastly smaller area.

We have 400k people living in the border counties alone, expand that out to how Australia judges a border region, it is well over half a million.

All along a 500km border.

If you blow that out, Belfast is within 1 hour and Dublin just over an hour to the border.

The primary mode of travel between Sydney and Melbourne is flying.

The primary modes of travel in Ireland are cars and public transport.

“Managing” the Irish border line they have done in Australia is an insane suggestion.

That’s after you get down to the fact that in Australia they all had closed external borders. That meant when Victoria had their outbreak, other states caught most cases from flying. And once the “managed border” went in, Victoria got more draconian in who they let in. So where the outbreak was, the reimported cases reduced further.

What the Zero Coviders are saying is that aside from the logistical impossibility of “managing” the Irish border, this would also be possible with cases continuing to be reimported and circulating in Northern Ireland.

It’s the first problem with Zero Covid and should have made it laughed off the stage from the get go, but the Zero Coviders refused to deal with it for months before coming back with nonsense about managing it.


The Gardai hit it like Tubs and Crocket.

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