Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Until their supermarket shelves empty and their Amazon deliveries donā€™t turn up. And worse, when absolutely essential goods or travel is not possible, leading to fatalities. Then the Gubernment will be blamed.

Itā€™s funny that some of the people who howled the most at British Brexiteer claims on the border have suddenly forgotten the complexities of borders.


Its an absolute balls, we need to bring in lads from England and Germany for 1/2 day jobs on a weekly basis as there is no one in ireland who can do this. By stopping all travel, unless there is exemptions, it will greatly effect my work and our timelines. Now exemptions are fine but is it acceptable in zero covid? Besides the scenario Iā€™m speaking of who is coming in and out of ireland at the moment? Its not tourists. And to get an exception last summer in the first lockdown and easing of the restrictions it was a paperwork nightmare. We had traffic cones for a special lane for these guys to come in the back door. Portaloos as they couldnā€™t share our bathroom.

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This is an utterly bizarre post.

Only two parties have been in the hot chair since the inception of the state.

@TreatyStones drift to the far right is becoming more and more noticeable every day.

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There are innocent victims in all wars @TreatyStones

Itā€™s always been a key asset of mine, an ability to drift from left wing to right wing and back again.


Imagine finding yourself in the middle of a @Tim_Riggins and @tallback political sandwich.

I see prices for accommodation in Ireland this summer have gone very high again. Must be in anticipation of us not being able to get abroad.

Fintan Oā€™Toole seems to think the 190k who flew into Ireland are all on their holidays.

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Yea there seems to be very little debate on the practical implications highlighted above. There is a lot of essential travel necessary as we dont have the means to do it ourselves. Just some off the top of my head that I know about personally is in the instrumentation business which means we need to fly in engineers from Germany, maintenance of smart metering electrical, water and gas devices that we cant provide ourselves. And then like you said there is the issue of jobs that people will elect not to do. These people cant be in quarantine for 14 days.

Lads were less panicked last April. Itā€™s all going to be over soon.

You are being conditioned by media and by politicians. You know you are but are still taken in.

There is a number of vaccines for this. The variant nonsense is noise.

This wonā€™t impact your day to day life in any meaningful way by June.


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Its great to have you on board as well.

Weā€™re nearly there.

A 1987 John Barnes of political commentary.

Heā€™s a clown.

I threw this post a like cos I thought it was about the local pubā€¦ then I realised you were calling me a paedo!


Iā€™ve been a nuanced Zero Covid advocate since around 27/28 December and itā€™s definitely burn the bondholder rhetoric on my part. To be honest, Iā€™m bitter about being banned from travelling outside a 5km exclusion zone but Bjorn can fly in from Oslo via London and skip into town to have a meeting about essential fund management business or something. Do the meeting over zoom or one of the other ones, you Norwegian prick. Close the borders to fuck until weā€™ve reached critical mass on the vaccination roll out and then let us out for a bit of grub FIRST and THEN reopen the borders for outsiders. We need to protect the island.


Did the DUP not just say yesterday that they wouldnā€™t go along with an All Island approach?

Once you take crĆØches away from lads they crumble fairly lively.


Nobody told the snowflakes you have to raise the kids tooā€¦thereā€™s more to it than just the cute photo beside the pc in the officeā€¦

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Yes they did but anyone calling for a zero covid approach in Ireland after 10 months with the place riddled is a fucking imbecile and should be called out as such.


This ā€œcanā€™t doā€ attitude is very prevalent amongst the establishment and their shills when it comes to doing something difficult. Then you have the mugs that give out about the ā€œgovernmentā€ and then go vote FF and FG.

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