Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

OIUTF headbanger monsters have taken to shouting the odds at their grandmothers. It’s time to listen to Thomas/Tomás Ryan, Sam McConkey, Gabriel Scally, Leo’s friend Dr Matt, Maire Treasa Ni Cheallaigh and myself and take a Zero Covid approach.

I get a daily “when will this lockdown end?!” text from my mother these days

You heartless bastard.

Lock down will have a lot more long lasting effects on young people than covid.

Our old OIUTF comrade Dr. Martin Feeley has gone very quiet.

I’m happy to row in behind those you’ve mentioned in the LIDTF category now.

Was he not pushed out of his job for speaking out?

Maybe this has been said already, but, checking for returning holiday makers? What if it wasn’t against the law when they left??

Eh mate, nothing they are doing is constitutional. This fining people for going for a drive lark, first time it makes court it will be overturned.

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The whole “why cant we be like Australia or New Zealand” bollix really annoys me. You’d swear they are living in some sort of utopia where things are great. Tell that to the parents of the twin babies who were left die because they werent allowed to travel from Adelaide to Melbourne to have life saving operations. Or to the family of a terminally ill 39 year old in Queensland who were told one of his 4 kids living in NSW would only be allowed visit him before he died or the others at a cost of $16,000. Anyone who has family in any of the other states are pretty much locked in where they are. If you want to go there, you have a 2 week stay in a hotel at your expense, and having to pass 3 covid tests before being allowed restricted leave.

Yeah, they have “zero covid” now, but a lot easier to get that under those conditions. We cant even get the island of Ireland to lock itself down as one entity, nevermind excluding all of Europe from entering. The Australian workforce is not linked to other countries in the same manner as we are here with the UK and EU. The fact that iron ore sales to China make up a substantial amount of their economy and that stayed in place made a big difference to them.

Sort out contact tracing for fuck sake and at least let us get some sort of hold on things. Months to get it sorted and ended up a complete farce where it was all but given up on. The government havent a fucking clue what to do. And this is shown by their see sawing on ideas every couple of months. Its absolutely no wonder there is zero confidence in them seeing this through as they muddle through their next disaster decision and row back on plans they issue in previous days or weeks.


Sorry, I have to laugh when people start mouthing off that things are unconstitutional or “against my constitutional rights”. They usually have no clue what’s in the constitution and are talking through throw hole. It’s up there with “but, I’m an American citizen.”

Anyway, I disagree, I don’t expect it will be overturned in court.

Why can’t we be like Mars so, they have zero covid.

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Pity the constitution didn’t allow for pandemics…

Especially when it was written in the aftermath of one…

Plus the Aussie’s and NZ haven’t even begun to vaccinate people, meaning their borders are effectively shut for another 6 - 12 months.

Close the borders

In 12 months we could be like New Zealand

Maybe the lads didn’t fancy putting their hard won freedom in the hands of unelected civil servant

Does that mean I have to become racist against native Irish people?

Just one more shit Christmas to go


and only 1.4% of them who pick it up actually die not to mention the fact that >90% of them are over 75…

but shur go on - close the fucking schools