Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

it would have been juhniallio sports & leisure centre if it was about a local pub

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At least I’m not murdering anyone yet

Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere but I see celebrity Cark doctor Anthony O’Connor has been chased off social media.

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Oh? How and why?

It’s only a matter of time.

More retirements than McGregor.

For being annoying is my guess

He said associate of Egghead Donnelly contacted him privately and warned him that his public pronouncements were unprofessional.

The hero we didnt want and now dont have.


I was in a pub at the weekend would you know.


Antonio ocasio-Carktez says enough



You had to guess?

It never stopped him shiteing on before.

That’s not something worth bragging about pal.

It seems not all Civil Servants are useless.

Lads, ye won’t feel it untill Christmas, a good idea I saw on facebook was to leave the Christmas tree up all year


Nah pints shouldn’t be but the craic was zen

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All They had to do was google it…

Meehawl will be along any minute now to tell us how great we are all doing