Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I’ve never worked with a Pawel who wouldnt wipe the floor with the majority of the lazy Irish.

Pawel’s and Tomasz’s have been great additions here in fairness.

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I’m optimistic the vaccine will have us right by autumn or winter pal. Maybe some remnant restrictions for a while after but in the region of level one or two.

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Hope you’re right pal.

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Any spare rooms going?

They are much more hardened that the soft Nathans and Rians we have these days.

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If you are willing to bunk in with Sergei and Yuri in the security hut the job is OXO.


Lovely people by and large.

En route!

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Its hard to see at the moment, longterm especially I suppose.

Another lockdown in October wouldnt be out of the question id say etc.

We hit 2k in May iirc so not too bad all things considered

He wanted free money for no work as usual.

Surely this is easily solved by the EU reminding Pharma that it’s better to have a good relationship with 400m people than 60m Brits?

TFK is a great rock of sense. There was a couple of hours there where the licks of @Thomas_Brady, @mikehunt and @peddlerscross were all showing the benefits of a zero covid Ireland.

This has been exposed upside down and inside out from a number of top class posters by showing that zero covid is not a possibility until it’s zero covid world wide.

Or that the contracts are legally enforceable and the remedy for breach would be quite substantial.

Think we’re way past that …time for off the record chats…

I don’t think I’ve ever posted anything about zero covid except that it’s impossible to achieve. But carry on lashing out pal, I don’t mind being your e-punchbag

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What is driving this nonsense about restrictions lasting for the rest of 2021 or into 2022? From the EU’s own Covid-19 vaccination plan: “By March 2021, 80% of adults over age 80 and 80% of health and social care professionals in each member state should be vaccinated, and by summer 2021 member states should have vaccinated 70% of the entire adult population”.

Why the fuck would you keep restrictions in place after the vulnerable in Irish society are vaccinated, let alone 70% of all adults? Instead of campaigning for, or supporting, the nonsensical zero covid concept, any politician in Ireland claiming to represent their constituents should be demanding a plan for opening the economy fully in the March - June timeframe.


The battle is lost. Pandering to the “economy” is being blamed for the spike in cases over Christmas. The Twitterati associate the economy with rampant Covid.


Zero Covid is possible but realistically not achievable. The fuckwits can’t keep Covid out of the small number of hospitals they have to manage, let alone keep it out of the whole country. Almost a year after this started and it was known who the most vulnerable were.

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Based on the pareto principle " The Pareto Principle , named after esteemed economist Vilfredo Pareto , specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. This principle serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced"

We vaccinate 20% of our highest risk the problem will reduce by 80%.

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