Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I dont really have a problem with that tbh

yep and in a similar fashion the media have been whipping up hysteria since the beginning that this thing can actually kill you .
it was clear after LD1 that this was not the case but the narrative never changed, so here we are locking away schoolkids and closing building sites …bizarrely you won’t find too many geriatrics in a primary school or up a scaffolding


and the mystery how did Israel get them all?
why didn’t they wait in line

There will be some serious academic articles to be written on this.

This is as close as we have gotten to war time like reporting in our lifetimes. Yes the media question the Government, but they have also been led by NPHET, with additional misery porn lobbed on as it is commercially beneficial for them all.

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Boris ringfenced the whole AZ UK production so it couldnt leave the country. The EU paid AZ a shit load of money for produce a mountain of vaccine ready to go once it was EU approved. Boris saw his chance swooped in and took the whole lot whilst Herman and Frizt were drinking lattes basking in the glory of next Fridays EU vaccine rollout known the wiser. Boris now decrying the EU for vaccine nationalism. Proper leadership.


Outside of sitting on the plane whats the difference in someone getting in their car driving to the airport going through security etc fully masked etc and going to the shops, appearing on prime time/the late late show and so on. RTÉ are some shower of cunts in fairness.


so you have the cases phenomen… which gives fuel to the nonsense
the problem is one of these bats visited the gran aunt who is smoked now…those hags probably have a sneeze between them but 47 cases and a dead granny

if they stayed away from that individual it would have been fine
thats the problem…old people should be isolated away…sounds harsh but true and proven

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Tony planted the seed earlier in the week in peoples minds when taking issue with ads on TV of tour operators advertising foreign holidays. It has snowballed from there. He made some reference to car park outside govt buildings being full and spurious allegations about canteens as well a few months ago and this garnered much public attention. He was talking about mobile phone data showing loads of movement of people and you have a load of gobshites taking pictures of traffic on the M50 while they themselves were on the M50. There are impressionable “ahshurGodhelpus” people who watch the press conferences religiously and then the outcry inevitably comes. I just wish he would use his influence to debunk the theory and talk around zero covid 10 months on.


And the same prick will occasionally cover himself by saying we need to stop the blame culture.

He has been more than happy to blame sectors and use his own bias against them, whilst never once accepting failures in how our health authorities have dealt with this.

It’s funny when he trips himself up though. For example he was desperate to blame hospitality for what happened at Christmas so tried to rubbish Martin saying that the U.K. variant was contributing. A couple of weeks later when a couple of hundred thousand workers were thrown on the unemployment line it was back to another favoured target.


If you’re not watching this you’re at nothing if you’re not watching this

It’s the fucking wheelie bins lads. The bastards

Who in particular?

You’d want you head examined not to be washing your hands before or after you touched your bins anyway. Filthy animals.


The bin men must be dying at an awful rate. I’d say the rogue was just having a bit of a wind at breda there

Hes a big cheese for spotty teenagers who like to sound clever

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Is he like Conor McGregor?

I remember he used to host a show on SKY, I think it was Fear Factor. He was great on that.

He’s laying the foundation early for the Christmas present

Same target audience alright

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Sounds about right.

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Take a bow :clap: :clap: