Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Ah now you cut that out. He has a hape of excellent guests and yarns away for hours. Some of them are geniuses, some of them are self confessed knuckle heads. I’d safely say even an intellectual like yourself could learn something

Outstanding, didn’t really deliver on the wardrobe malfunction potential

there’s always a couple of knockers.

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A slight increase?

In swabs and positivity but far more tests.

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Time to double down on our efforts.

The next two Christmases will be crucial.


Time to redouble our efforts too

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We became complacent.

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We switched off the worryometer and now we are paying the price

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The 4th wave is just waiting to pounce.

We should have listened to the associate professor

TomĂĄs Ryan, Associate Professor at the School of Biochemistry & Immunology, Trinity College Dublin and an Associate of the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, talks to Eamon about the failures of government strategy and the potential for a fourth wave.

The Stand is proudly sponsored by Tesco.

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We should.

The likes of myself, yourself & @Bandage have shown great maturity in the last couple of weeks by not being too proud to admit we were wrong.

We need to row in behind Professors Ryan, Killeen and McConkey.


My brother in law and his Mrs headed off to Turkey for a few months and both wfb. If you’d no ties why wouldn’t you.

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It is now illegal to leave the state I thought you would be delighted

Only if you’re caught. If you want to avoid the checkpoint just find out what time the shift change at the nearest Garda station to the airport is. This “can’t do” attitude from the OUITF crew is really disappointing. I’d say when everything opens up ye’ll all head under the bed ye’ll be so frazzled.

I’d imagine it’s very simple to get out. Tell them you’re going to Lanzarote to live.

Harder on the way back in cos you’ve immigration, guards and RTE to navigate

why the fuck would u come back until it’s over

If I was able to draw the Irish rock’n’roll from Thailand I’d never have come back.