Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

was it a live broadcast?
you have to give consent to be interviewed surely and approval that it would be screened live…
obviously its in tandem with that virus porn show they did from a hospital in the summer…the liberals will lap that up though…ironically suggesting the government should restrict people more just because they can attack the current stance

I probably would too tbh.

Just pointing out the set up.

sinn fein , people before profit and the social Democrats pressured to bring this in.
its the form of East Germany they’ve always wanted,intend%20to%20restrict%20your%20movements.

Sure look at the reasons, they’re broad enough. As they should be as well.

Everyone thinks others shouldn’t travel until they know of someone who can’t travel to see a sick family member.

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I think it’s also against the law tax wise


Do you ever have any good news?


Good news not welcome here.

Imagine a year ago somebody told you you’d be banned from going more than 5km from your home, businesses forcibly closed and travel outside the State illegal.

None of these rules apply to politicians whose work is deemed essential.

You’d have been surprised but not shocked at that Sinn Fein overall majority.


A bit like an abusive marriage

Being a Liverpool fan is like being in an abusive relationship. Even when things are good you know they are going to make you cry sooner or later.

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Try following Limerick Limerick hurling. Now theres abuse at its finest


Sinn Fein have offered no opposition to this government pretty much fullstop.

To be fair to them, I don’t think we have anything close to approaching either an opposition or a government at this stage though.

Martin is completely out of his depth and a cunt. Leo the leak etc are the same.

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They’re all happy to hide behind covid, every single one of them.

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Zero leadership pal, leaving it upto Nphet and checking twitter afterwards kind of thing.

Its unreal.

Everyone in both government and opposition are caught in the headlights. Opposition that were calling for an ease up in restrictions now literally falling over themselves to get them tightened even further. Government now following nphet like a lost sheep.
We’re all bowing to Taoiseach Tony at the moment

Thats it, but have you noticed when the major restrictions come in we’re pretty much following Downing street.

Looking at the timing this week and the type of restrictions - they’re absolutely the same, I’m wondering how is that the case?

Can we not think for and legislate for ourselves…



I wouldn’t take any notice of that. Most of Europe is pretty much the same. Curfew in Holland for Christ sake. Its vaccine or bust at this stage.

One of the craziest posts I’ve seen on TFK for awhile.

From a normally very reasonable poster, goes to show.

Fear is an incredible thing when it is continuously pushed by the media.