Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


I donā€™t disagree with the travel restrictions but itā€™s ridiculous weā€™re only looking at it 11 months in and itā€™s ridiculous the amount of attention itā€™s getting.

Please encourage your government contacts to put more car chargers in Dublin 2, 4 and 6, please.


Horse has long bolted for this to be in any way effective. Ireland is a Covid hotspot. You bring in these types of measures to prevent it becoming a hotspot, not after. It was ridiculous during the summer that we werenā€™t allowed move beyond 5k but someone could fly from Covid hotspots and be given a leaflet on their way in.


I urge every TFK poster to please sign the online petition to try to get the government to get the SNAs back into class. There are thousands of kids that are having real damage done to their development due to the current situation and it is an utter disgrace. I had a very upsetting conversation with a good friend earlier in that situation and it really should not be allowed to continue. How teachers unions feel that this is acceptable that SNAs should stay at home causing this damage while supermarket workers, bus drivers, pharmacy workers, gardai, nurses and doctors all go to work for the greater good is absolutely shameful and they should be dragged before the government and explain their actions to these kids families tomorrow. Iā€™ll repeat again this is a fucking national disgrace.


Post up a link for fuck sake, I havenā€™t time to be searching for stuff


Itā€™s much too late alright.

Should have been brought it a long time ago but doesnā€™t make it wrong now. It would be equally ridiculous to open up after this lockdown when we should be low on numbers and allow people to fly in from Covid hotspots.

Itā€™s certainly not a forward thinking master strategy or anything. But itā€™s still a necessary part of the restrictions.

This has replaced Luke Oā€™Neill duetting with Mundy as peak Covid.

Why would anyone want to fly into Ireland? Yeā€™re riddled.


New members to TFK are screened in a face to face interview. We have scores of people flying in daily trying to join this portal.


Which set of restrictions is that?
Level 5, tier 5, last Saturdayā€™s or the ones from 5th January?

There is no plan other than watching Twitter trends. It has been a shitshow. No more no less. No wonder though when the leadership consists of the dail plus a committee of 40 public servants with little real skin in the game


Itā€™s on I canā€™t copy and paste links on my phone but Iā€™ve shared the link on Facebook with @Mac and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy so PM them for details thanks.

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You are 100% correct , this is disgusting BUT we reap what we sew palā€¦ the mood music is that there is a killer virus out there, is someone honestly going to try to produce data now to show there is no risk when all weā€™ve had are tales of scaremongering ?
like yourself i know of two cases , itā€™s criminal tbh- Ciara Kelly had a belter in the Sindo on the exact same point


On a sidenote Linehan is a good journalist. He does some good reports. A pity he doesnā€™t get more exposure.

Id really prefer if you could add semi-conductor experts to your list above btw but your point is well made

4500 unread posts in this thread. Gā€™luck to you horsey. Iā€™m out

Heā€™s obviously seen the reaction on twitter while heā€™s in the meeting :sweat_smile:

Scroll up 10 or 20 posts is all and sign the petition, pal. Itā€™s the right thing to do.

Post up the link you fuck head.

Good post earlier.

Even when Horsey gets something right he makes a hames of it