Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

A pure god’helpus of a young fella

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Good man thanks appreciate it. There ye go lads no excuse.


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Good man thanks. An influencer like yourself could be a game changer.

Up an hour with 8 clicks.

But put up a link to a pie of diddies and you’ll have 50 clicks in 10 minutes.

Cunts here disgust me sometimes.


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Some good news.


So zero covids argument about mutations is also bollocks. Along with all their other beliefs

If the vaccine works, its over. We won’t need to worry about Zero/Diet Covid.

If the vaccine doesn’t work, we’re screwed.

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You’re dangerously on edge about all of this. You need to relax.

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Tony Blair, boris, g7…health passports…and not just for this vaccine. There’ll be yearly additions and you’re going nowhere without them. Your free to choose to go nowhere, so dont say you aren’t free.
I think boris might shit himself at the thought of the guillotine.

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No, it’s a genuine fear. If mutations continue to happen it increases the chances that we hit upon one that the vaccine won’t work for. Even Germany wants to restrict flights more.

There’ll be lads walking around with Stockholm syndrome when this is all over

We’ll have a vaccine for it in 6 months.

I just want them to be okay. This will all be over soon and we need to be able to readjust back to the new normal.

Perhaps a mass mask burning would be cathartic.

You wont be allowed Stockholm syndrome. Strabane syndrome will be as good as it gets

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Perhaps the lowering of the numbers in the last week will have changed things, i sincerely hope they have, but there is an elephant in the room here in that the majority of parents were not comfortable sending children into schools when this topic was red hot a couple of weeks ago,
You’re robbing Peter to pay Paul here to an extent, teachers and SNAs will need to put their focus on the children in front of them, in most cases that would be less than half so others will lose out.

But I do agree that the unions should be told to fuck off, it just needs to be properly structured, on a school by school basis with resources sent in all directions, if you send them al back it’s not ideal to be honest, a bit more complicated I think. I’m led to believe that the wheels are turning though, I sincerely hope it can be resolved sensibly.

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On the whole quarantine thing, Leo said that if they brought that in it would “have to be for a year” and ruled out summer holidays, traveling for Christmas etc. What could possibly be his logic that such a (ridiculous) measure would be needed for a year?

“Just tell them it’ll be for a year your Highness, that’ll shut them up on social media about it once and for all”.

The vaccine works. Hence the trials beforehand.


thats it. Its a really badly handled situation, and it comes from the top. My main knowledge of the special needs schools would be at secondary level rather than primary, but I do know in a couple of schools the majority of parents requested that their child not go in. This was for about half of them due to underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable. Their preference is not to be in school. So it is presenting a logistical issue that hasnt been thought through.

When the first lockdown hit and schools went back in September, there was a big emphasis on ensuring the online teaching would be in place and work well should a second lockdown come into play. So that has been handled well. What wasnt thought out was this scenario of needing online for some and face to face for others.

I’m sure that it can be resolved, as you’ve said yourself, the teachers themselves for the large part would prefer to be back in school. Another issue is having teachers so far down the line for getting a vaccine too. Should be way higher up on the list to get sorted. Having them get it in June when school is over is pointless.

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