Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Guys, I’d like to draw attention to a post I made in October.


Yep, tis nearly done alright.

We’re at the point now where the storm has subsided and we are picking up the wreckage.

Tis like Pedigree Corner once the lights come on around 3AM. The wreckage of broken glass, vomit, blood on the dance floor is harrowing, but come the following Saturday night everyone will be ready to do it all over again, with not a care in the world.

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Tomas Ryan should be running the country though

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A zero Covid policy should have been pursued last Feb/March but once it wasn’t pursued then there’s no point now.


Yes I didn’t understand the logic of that and I wasn’t surprised Clare Byrne didn’t tackle him on it.


“genuine fear”…

and there you fucking have it lads


Zero eradication of this airborne virus is a realistic goal provided we all agree to stop breathing air… it’ll need universal buy in mind.
(Pets and wild animals included )


It’s not hard to see how most of the population can be mugged off when you read this shit.


I suspect that if you go through the significant amounts of pain to effectively establish a zero-covid bubble (i.e. extended lockdowns, logistical implementation/infrastructure etc) that you would only break that bubble when you were sure that it wouldn’t set you back to square one and as a result you’d take a highly cautious approach to when that would happen. So even if there was a vaccine rollout you’d be waiting to confirm that it has solved the problem with regard to variants etc. That is what Aus and NZ appear to be doing with both suggesting 2022 as a realistic timeframe for reopening so its not a line of thinking picked out of the sky. And seeing as NZ/Aus are the poster boys for the ZeroCovid crowd one would presume that they implicitly agree with this (although obviously don’t say it as in their ZeroCovid messaging there are no downsides - only sunlit uplands and silver bullets)

Essentially what Leo is saying is that this is part of the choices and consequences of Zero Covid - that at least they are fully understood upfront.


A year in and Lads don’t seem to have even the most basic understanding of how vaccines work or how our immune system works.

I blame our education system and our media.

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Hilariously enough the same chap who is shit scared of mutations and their ability to make the vaccine redundant is the fella absolutely hellbent on airports being open and free travel between European countries.

Does someone want to tell him how a variant could possibly reach another country?

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Do you ever criticise FG?

Just as the natives were getting restless along came a bogeyman.

The dutch have had enough.

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Great to see.

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The dutch never struck me as being the most militant. I see the French are watching closely and with an election are doing their best to avert another lockdown. Was it the curfews that done it for the dutch? I see the Italians are getting ready to open up in defiance of their govt this weekend.

Have to disagree with you both @Gman and @backinatracksuit. I think saying that the majority of parents don’t want to let their children back is a stretch going by anedotal evidence and the legal action being taken but even if you are right you still can’t withdraw the services from every kid just because some parents don’t want to send their kids. You just can’t. I’m not saying it’s easy but other sectors and services figure it out but as usual everything is far more difficult and drawn out because the teachers unions are involved. How long have they been shut now, 5 or 6 weeks? And no end in sight at least not publicly. It’s not good enough not even nearly.

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The Austrian Government just dialed it up a notch.

Well at least that makes sense. Walking around with a bit of cloth on your face does fuck all