Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I havenā€™t seen the data proving masks to be effective, have you? cc @Thomas_Brady

I thought that seeing as everyone has to wear one everywhere there would be some DATA on the matter

The masks put an end to supermarket queues. As I predicted.

Whatā€™s the latest on them?

Iā€™m using a N95 respirator. Any lad with a rag over his mouth should be locked up.

Thereā€™s a number of pre-covid papers on effects of masks for respiratory diseases and the evidence was scant - Medically approved masks had some effect. Didnt a top Irish medical expert more or less say cloth masks are useless a week before their introduction but that was buried and we were given warm fuzzy reporting about the benefits of masks - the experts have always known makeshift masks simply dont work. shur youā€™ve fellas walking around using the same masks since last May.

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A mask in and out of the arse pocket with months, in beside money, phones and keys, and fellas think itā€™s healthy. Masks are virtue signalling wank


I hate Rugby Union Football but would happily go to a few games if it brought an end to this sorry mess.

Anecdotal works both ways. Like I said, my main info is from secondary school basis rather than primary, so take that on board. But in one school, of 13 kids, only one was willing to come back in, and that was before the lockdown came into play. Half the kids finished up early in mid December when the numbers started increasing. And when talks of the school reopening on the Thursday two weeks back, none of the parents wanted to send their kids in. In another school Iā€™d know of, it was similar, with 2 kids willing to go back in of 12. The rest didnt want to go in if school was closed. Again, both of those schools are secondary.

As @backinatracksuit alludes to, the biggest issue was with Nora Foley announcing special needs schools to reopen without talking to either the unions nor most importantly any of the special needs teachers representatives to see how it would be managed. As I posted on a previous thread, there are big logistical issues around getting this to work which were not at all considered nor put forward how it would work. And without any consultation, the department just made the decision to do this.

On top of that, there was no consideration as to how it would work with the safety of the teachers involved. I didnt really make any point on that in the previous post as there are enough issues without going down that route.

I dont particularly think the unions are the main issues here. Its a case of trying to rush something into place when it wasnt given any due consideration previously. This is the fault of everyone involved, except the kids who are the only ones losing out in the whole situation. I dont disagree that something should and need to be done, but it isnt a case of just forcing teachers back into school to take the face to face kids in as that in itself causes problems for those who dont want to go back in. I dont have the solution, Iā€™m not a teacher, but something should have been sorted long before this became an issue and its not like it is something new, it was highly probable it would happen. Itā€™s why most schools were prepared for a change to online learning, but never prepared for splitting some to online and some face to face.

As an aside to this, there is a scaremongering facebook page for keeping count of covid cases in schools with 130,000 members where they had petitions to close schools. The sole aim of that page is to keep schools closed as it is unsafe. Its the problem with this pandemic, two sides to each story and there were thousands outraged that schools were left open when cases were rising.


You are the lad who thinks we should just have kept going after Christmas Eve. You have no credibility to speak about anything.


You are just a lad in an e-menā€™s shed, evincing extraordinary stupidity and gross unpleasantness. This pandemic has exposed a lot more than immunity levels.

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Any chance you could make some logical points rather than throwing about laboured insults?


Will you update that avatar, itā€™s the end of January.

Thanks mate. Insightful as always

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Well Iā€™m glad to hear you think it is workable so hopefully something will be sorted out sooner rather than later.

@Gman your last post smacked a little of itā€™s a tough situation so what are you going to do. I think it needs to be resolved asap not just look it is difficult so do nothing. Also, your post about the safety of teachersā€¦are they more important than supermarket workers, bus drivers, nurses, etc? Is educating children essential or not?

Iā€™ve grown quite fond of it.

You need to make it seasonal, the Grinch needs to be shelved until the 1st of December.

These comparisons to supermarket workers or bus drivers are unhelpful as there is no comparison to teaching in a special education setting, Iā€™ve posted often enough on that.

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Thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re a spoof.

Esteban will be around now to defend him shortly.

Fuck off, you partitionist gobshite.

That okay?

Passive aggressive, as always.

Keep on thinking you are relevant. Probably the ego equivalent of vitamin D.

No would be more to the point.

You have very poor manners.