Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What do yous all think about meeting up for a few pints, just as soon as everyone gets their vitamin d/ivermectin shots of course? Imagine how weā€™ll chuckle at how the answer was there in front of us all along

Once you see through all of the counterfeit knowledge a badly dressed 50 something who struggles to pronounce the most basic of English vocabulary due to his unfortunate geographical location stands there plainly for all to see.

I agree they should be higher up the list too but donā€™t see how they should be treated differently to other essential workers.

I am immune kid.

The importance of not letting it dominate you canā€™t be overstated

Howā€™s that HSE briefing going @Bandage?
are you tiptoeing around the house?


A giant fraud. No wonder luke oā€™neill is suddenly pretending to be on the side of the people.

the ruling cites a study conducted by ā€œsome of the leading European and world specialists in this materialā€ published by the Oxford Academic at the end of September.

ā€œAt a cycle threshold (ct) of 25, about 70% of samples remain positive in cell culture (i.e. were infected): in a ct of 30, 20% of samples remained positive; in a ct of 35, 3% of samples remained positive and in a ct above 35, no sample remained positive (infectious) in the cultureā€.

ā€œThis means that if a person has a positive PCR test at a threshold of cycles of 35 or higher (as happens in most laboratories in the USA and Europe), the chances of a person being infected is less than 3%. The probability of a person receiving a false positive is 97% or higherā€.


Labs here are testing at 45 cycles. Hence all these asymptomatic cases.

Waste of your time responding to him mate. Youā€™re talking to a lad who doesnā€™t believe Vitamin D deficiency is a thing.

Iā€™m hearing on the electric grapevine (work whatssapp) that Garda are setting up a booth inside T1 departures questioning and fining people who are leaving the country on non-essential travel.

Thank you RTE.

Surely people leaving are not a problem?

You would think people who get tested, receive a negative result, travel to a place with a much lower rate of the virus, get tested and receive another negative result before returning would be safe enough but apparently not

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Fining them is foolish and wont help anything.

They should shoot them in the fucking face.

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Compared to thousands partying in Cheltenham and Lombardy? I suppose.

The Guards should be inside in hospitals handing out fines to staff not following PPE protocol, since half of covid cases in hospital have come from hospitals


They should shoot them in the fucking face.

as @iron_mike said yesterday, itā€™s all about the optics. This whole fucking farce is about optics, not about actually solving things or making sure things are dine right or the right areas targeted.


Looking forward to that conversation in a couple of weeks.

Where are you travelling to?
What is the purpose of your trip?
The sea breeze down south of it is just too bracing to resist this time of year.

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Absolutely. Itā€™s all for show. Fining a lad walking on the beach on his own is the height of nonsense but it seems to be what the curtain-twitchers want