Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

And then some cunt goes and mentions soccer.

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It’s based on politics rather than health or science. They try and judge the mood of the people and respond accordingly. Basically the decisions are based on what they think will get them elected next time.

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They should be arresting Paul Reid for not supplying hospital staff with proper PPE.

We’re opening up retail fully from February 1st and evaluating on Feb 14th schools and the hospitality sector with a view towards full opening March 1st. Oh and we’re continuing to quarantine your asses for ten days.


I know of two people who are planning trips to their beloveds in Paris and Galicia respectively off the back of Leo’s comments the other night. More power to them


Is the risk level the same?

Open the pubs


Is there anything to be said for opening the pubs for over 70s only when they’re vaccinated ? !

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You cant believe anything

I presume You need to have been tested to get out of Dublin on a flight …What’s the quickest way to get test ?

NPHET models wrong again.

They’ll need to get test people who are not sick and won’t get sick again.

@Thomas_Brady told you that last march. You lads are very naive all the same but it’s good to see you get there eventually on optics and masks and everything else…

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There’s a place at the airport that does them

Thanks .what’s the turnaround time on getting result ?


I want to get that on a t-shirt

Aoife believes in the boogeyman too I’d say

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We are close to end game we’ll be :pint: by the end of April

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