Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There has been an amount of literature going into the letterboxes of small businesses the last few months from extremist orginizations.


I think itā€™s a day or so

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There is going to be some very confused zero covid / superman Holohan / close the border fans after that nphet briefing this evening

I dont think anyone can call that for certain. I would imagine the risk levels change in all settings depending on the variables including childrenā€™s ages, need for care., number of kids etc. What do you think?

What was said?

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Iā€™d have preferred if Aoife had shown some evidence of anything at all rather than
2 Telling us sheā€™s an expert
3 Argue that people shouldnā€™t have the right to believe something other than you do.

I can get all the above on tfkā€¦

Tomas Ryan will be seething. I expect a verbal broadside from him towards Egghead Nolan. These academic types are extremely vengeful.

The war of the boffins

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I understand that younger children are less likely to contract and spread it, so iā€™d say the risk is relatively low in a creche. Although obviously some risk is there. At the other end of the scale thereā€™s 30 adults in a leaving cert class. Doesnā€™t seem safe when weā€™re at high levels. At least with both of those you can have some mitigation of risk, masks etc. My understanding is that for most SNAs there is a lot of close and hands on work, thereā€™s no chance of masks.

Define extremist organisation



An extremist organisation is probably one that would want to shut the majority of businesses in a country for months on end

The National Party

And present the country with months of false statistics, fear and threat


Nolan Nolan Nolan

Nolan should stick his models in the bin.

I agree with his assessment tbf. Look get levels low, manage it and lash out the vaccine ASAP is the best we can hope for. Hopefully once a good chunk of the population is vaccinated they wonā€™t delay in OIUTF