Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Vaccine is our only hope. Zero Covid is as ridiculous a suggestion now as it always was

Even as a staunch zero covid advocate myself I tend to agree with Professor Nolan in the sense of its practical application belonging to the realm of cloud cuckoo land

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Are we back to OIUTF we are?


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Look its our best option. No vaccine and waiting years as per usual vaccines zero covid would be an option. Thankfully its not. I’ve my hotel booked for the AISHF all I need is Limerick to get there and OIUTF

Good response by Nolan but I still think there are Zero Coviders on NPHET, in terms of tactics. They will always push for restrictions.

But they don’t want to commit to a strategy where they have to take responsibility for the consequences.

Ryan is a weasel who cannot properly explain his strategy, but if we pursue Zero Covid, he should be given a leading role in its implementation. And when it fails, and when the consequences of it become clear, he cannot weasel out and blame others. Supermarket shelves empty? Blame Tomas. Essential medicines can’t get into the country. Blame Tomas. Repeated border breaches due to our geography, blame Tomas.


As critical as I am of the NPHET boys and ffg at least they are practical in the most part. Definitely compared to the other headbangers. SF have been terrible during this. I’m throwing my no 1 to ROD.


I kinda want to see zero covid just to see that cunt fall flat on his face when it fails spectacularly


But but Lanzarote…


That’s awful. Probably be ages before that meat plant reopens.


Ryan’s covering his ass to distract from the shit show of an organisation he is over. They have been keeping the numbers high due to their lack of control and blames the public for the rise of hospital numbers yet half are transmission within the hospital. And there is no data on staff infection either which is high too I imagine

I think that’s pie in the sky stuff blaming one fella for 220 cases.

Like the first person to test positive in a village gets blamed for infecting a parish.

People are getting infected in all directions

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Tell that to @tallback, who’s nipper got it in the creche. Creches are supremely close contact. And theres very close contact between all kids in the pod. Our creche had cases pre Christmas and it did spread to kids in that pod. Also, creches also run after school minding, so the kids actually run to 10/11. Ergo the risk is greater than you suggest. There are creches all over the country running at the moment with primary school kids all day.
You’ve decided to conflate the risk of ‘30 adults in a class’ and special needs teachers. That’s full on @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy logic.
They are separate. There are no special needs classes in this country with 30 adults in 1 room.
In fact, I doubt you’ll find a single classroom in the country with 30 adults) then the teacher will be socially distant.
The real area where there is huge unmitigated risk is for a second level sna who mixes with an entire class of students. This is a very very small minority and they are not teachers. And I have no doubt it could be solved on a local basis if the will was there. Incredible that teaching unions would go out to bat for the snas out of concern (when they wouldnt even go out for their own new entrants). I’d say it’s more a case of a handy argument to hide behind the fact that those running teachers union are highly militant and obstructive in many cases.


I don’t have a problem as long as the person isn’t identified.

We needed more of that type of surveillance over the summer months, instead of locking down counties. I accept it realistically would only have kicked things out by a month or so, but we throughout Europe (with some exceptions), we did a shit job in trying to take reasonable steps to limit superspreader events. There are settings like meat plants that lead to those things, it should be a grown up conversation. For whatever reason, these settings lead to mass infections. The blame game is pointless but there is reality. Can we do better?

That ship has sailed unfortunately.

Would it be fair to say any kid/teen that plays soccer in Ireland has not played a competitive game since March last year and are unlikely to play again until August?

Just running a few numbers here, will get back to you later.


Are those crèches operating in an ‘underground’ capacity, I thought that they were only for the children of essential workers?
I’m sure you have experience of how special schools operate, do you honestly consider the hands on nature of crèche work a greater risk than a class of 12 arriving in buses with no mask or social distancing, children with intellectual disabilities and all that entails, in the class together all day

I might be wrong, I have very little experience of crèches, I felt that the children would be left to their own devices a lot, barring the babies you wouldn’t be up close with them for long, certainly not in the current situation,

Even so, comparisons won’t get anything done

Same as rugby. GAA is your only man now

@glenshane only 600 iu. What you recommend