Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Scaremongering. Donā€™t share such shite again.


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Pity he wasnā€™t reading TFK last march.

How long before leo and the boys recommended that dose? Have they said anything about zinc too?

I take this stuff. Obviously supposed to be good defence against covid but many other health benefits as well. Simple spray once a day.


What are we arguing about? Schools in general or special needs schools? Or snaā€™s risk in normal schools? Your original point was that bus drivers and shop workers shouldnā€™t be compared with teachers because they had way lower risk. I dont even agree with that. But creche workers do. Every bit as much. Literally wiping the arses and hugging and wiping snot.
Youā€™ve now moved to snas, who do have great risk. But teachers in general dont have anymore risk than shop workers. For teachers unions to be screaming about snas they dont even represent is extremely disingenuous I think.
Teachers are essential workers, they are needed right now. Iā€™m very pro teacher, you can have a look at the teachers thread on this website. But I think teachers unions are acting the cunt right now (irrespective of how poorly they have been treated by the government).


Iā€™m not talking about SNAs, and Iā€™m not arguing.

Iā€™m only referring to special schools because thatā€™s what the conversation I was following was about.

And I donā€™t think a bus driver or supermarket worker is comparable in terms of risk

Apologies, forgot to address your creches point. No, they are not operating underground. As detailed by @Bandage, the list of people who can be considered essential is as long as your arm. And it only requires one parent to be essential. I know a heap of people with kids in all day 2/3 days of the week.

Donā€™t know buddy. Iā€™m on about 3000 milligrams with zinc and magnesium. I read somewhere that that fauci scumbag takes 6000ā€¦but karmaā€™s going to get him regardless


Where do get that a pharmacy or online? The multivitamin i take has 1500 iu

Get Ester c too. Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and myself are taking that years.

In my medical this week my metabolic age was a decade less than my actual age.


It actually is new from the government, you fucking charlatan
(Leo ā€¦ not you laz)

Most health food shops have it. Maybe Holland and Barrett. Vitamin C & Zinc also worth investing in. Youā€™ll get 1 tablet that has both.

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I didnā€™t conflate anything, I differentiated between three different scenarios. But donā€™t let what I actually said get in the way of you making smart arse comments.

God thatā€™s not right. Young teens without a purpose for 12 - 15 months. How many will be lost to sport forever, especially in disadvantaged areas. That poor chap in North Wall last night probably an example of that.

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I would of thought the whole point of a union was to act the cunt if their membership was being poorly treated by the government.

In fairness there is no excuse really for schools not being back in some capacity - staggered, for vulnerable kids, special needs kids, classes in two days a week, whatever. there has to be something in the next week or two. This all in all out thing is ridiculous and doesnā€™t seem to be happening in any other countries. Its up to the government and unions to put a plan together very quickly and then the essential workers that teachers are to do their jobs.
I would safely say a large majority of parents would send their kids back if they could and an even larger majority of school staff would go to work if they were told to.

I feel like Iā€™m going around in circles,
I would happily go back, itā€™d be great in fact.
But less than 30% of parents in my school were going to send their children in last week, that is a problem that needs to be addresed, Iā€™ve said often enough how i would go about it but it will mean each school for itself.

I just genuinely donā€™t believe that stat how did ye survey them? Every single person Iā€™ve spoken to about it has said ā€˜ah yeah theyā€™ve missed enoughā€™. And these would be people with very varying views on and fear of covid.

No need for the smart arse stuff.
1There is no real life scenario where 30 adults are in a classroom in Ireland*. Our secondary school pupil teacher ratio is way way lower and this year students have been split even more. That point is redundant nonsense.
2 your point about snas was that they were in close contact and couldnt use masks sometimes. Thatā€™s the exact same as creches. The difference is that teaching unions cant hold up creche workers as a reason they cant go to work.

*the institute and repeat colleges arenā€™t schools.