Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Every teacher in our school surveyed every parent, we’re in touch with them all the time,
in my own case it was about 30%, across the school it was lower,
I can’t prove this to you but i give you my word that those are the figures.
My wife wouldn’t send my kids in if it wasn’t neccesary, almost everybody I know is the same.

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Their membership is being asked to go back to work in a very limited capacity, In a scenario that the public health advisors say is safe. The poor treatment was in how they were consulted not how they are or will be treated. And their excuse is that it’s not fair on someone else who they dont represent. Fucking mental really.


Not much can be done unfortunately more collateral damage of covid. God forgive they have a kick around on a green

The Greeks are revolting, but not like the lads hiding under the bed.

In fairness, was that not back when case numbers were spiking? Might be different now? Very different in two weeks or months more?

Prime time back in the airport.

You’re the only one trying to be smart arse and score points off a simple discussion.

Ireland most disconnected country in Europe. Ie least flights coming in here.

Corry talking a lot of sense

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Ah they aren’t that bad.

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I’m stealing a living

I thought I saw you in the background there.

Yeah that was me

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I have no idea why you get so arsey about any discussion or debate. Disagreeing with someone else or yourself does not mean someone is making a smart arse comment. All my exchanges with @backinatracksuit are fairly respectful.

This looks like a dreamjob for some lads on here



Ibrahim Halawa proving a lot of the doubters wrong here.

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Is he telling everyone to rip up their passport?


This is mental shit

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I’d well believe it. Attendance is a serious issue these days