Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That is some shameful shit from FB


Watching Prime Time on delay. Some Leaving Cert lass on a pre recorded zoom interview with Miriam and wearing her school uniform. This must the equivalent of the lads that didnā€™t go in for casual Fridays at work.



Fair enough Iā€™ll take your word for it. Iā€™m genuinely the opposite though. Havenā€™t heard of one person whoā€™d keep them out and my youngests creche has all their friends in at least some of the days.

A bit of good news. Tony Blair can go shit in his hat

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Good to hear, people should have a choice.

They werenā€™t asked to go back to work. Stormin Norma announced they were going back without consulting anyone . She has made a bollox of everything she has touched since she became minister. I hope the schools open for special needs kids but blaming unions solely is unfair, especially when you have a stook like Norma in charge


Re: Hospital transmissions

With people who contract the virus while in hospital, are they then to remain in hospital in self-isolation for 2 weeks? Or, if fit to do so, allowed to leave?

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Heā€™ll be recommending shoving your thumb up your hole next.

However it all plays out, ptsd will be a serious problem among frontline health workers in the aftermath and for many years too. Iā€™ve one sister in law working ICU in Clonmel and any time I see her she looks at the end of her tether. Couple of cousins working in hospitals elsewhere have said theyā€™ve already seen people cracking up with the sheer horror of whatā€™s going on and theyā€™re struggling themselves.




Luke has made his money and wants to crank out the guitar and have the craic.

The other poindexter academics know itā€™s back to the obscurity of research and scrambling for funding to write papers nobody will read. They wonā€™t let the pandemic go.


Luke should run for president after micky d has finished hes next term. Oā€™Neil 2025

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Luke has a rogue-ish, likeable charm to him that the other robotic scientific geeks like Tomas Ryan, McDonkey and Gerry Killeen do not possess.


" Youā€™ve only a month left to live. But shur weā€™ll make the most of it. "


I heard of a respiratory consultant who killer himself a couple of weeks ago. Heā€™d be working more or less non stop after a couple of colleagues had left.

Lukeā€™s book for kids is really excellent for older kids 10-13 maybe

My wife got his ā€˜never mind the bollocksā€™ book and Iā€™ve dipped in a little, itā€™s quite good, very easy to read

But but lanzarote


A Karen giving western society bucketloads here. :clap:

Luke is nervous