Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

123 days @BruidheanChaorthainn @endakenny

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Does the fact that Holohan and Nolan dismissing the zero covid clatter yesterday mean that Tomas Ryan and Sam McConkey’s 15 minutes have expired. Is it back to the lab and zoom classes for the 2 fellas now again or will they still be rolled out to hypothesise on RTE again?

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Like the virus, these boys will find a way to pounce again for another wave of air time. RTE will only stomach so much positive news so will need to balance it with doom.

Fear and scare mongering sells.

McConkey and Ryan are going nowhere. When anything goes wrong over the next few weeks or months they’ll be screaming that if we’d adopted a zero covid approach we’d be free of all this etc. RTE will happily provide them with that platform.


Sure if we had zero covid we wouldn’t have any covid.

Zero covid in a small open economy with a land border with another jurisdiction is not practical. In fact it is utterly ludicrous.

This is the thing, like defunding the police, Zero COVID does not mean zero COVID,

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Maybe they should call it something else then

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You mean that the name of a policy can actually mean something other than the literal meaning of the words in the name??? :eek:

cc @Horsebox

Zero covid sounds great to me mate. There wouldn’t be any covid then. New Zealand did it and we’re the same size as them. We should do zero covid.

If we listen to the Zero Covid experts we can all be in the Aviva cheering on the #teamofus before the end of the Six Nations.

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If only we had that 2 week “circuit breaker” back in November

But are they not used to this due to it being no different to a regular flu season?

I feel alot of the people screaming for zero covid outside the headbangers who always called it are the same people who wanted to open up and enjoy a meaningful Christmas before Christmas. They took no personal responsibility and blame government policy. Goverment policy is poor imho but I sit the far side of the arguement. I don’t like the level 5 etc. But I understand where the government came from to make the decision


The proponents of it in Ireland very much mean it to be zero covid

ISAG is calling for a public health strategy that would seek to eliminate community transmission of the coronavirus on the island of Ireland.

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You boys need to turn off the radio and the tvs.

Aye these lads need to relax. Go for a pint, take a holiday. It’s good for the soul


Whats a radio and TV. I only get opinions on current affairs shows from what fellas say on tfk

Where we going first @BruidheanChaorthainn