Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I’ll be going to dingle for an extended break on the presumption travel abroad is still very awkward.

All are welcome to join except for choir boys types.

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Going against Health Guidelines will not be good for ones health.

Go for a walk


Lar Corbetts before Limerick v Tipp?

I’m going back to the regional to get pumped out again once this is all over.

I might go just for the day out

Have you a booking? Heard places in kilkee are booked out for summer already.

It does when their original selling points to entice people was things like crowds at sports.

Once NZ had a couple of border breaches and community cases, they pivoted on the meaning. NZ won’t allow sports crowds when there are low levels of community infection, they allowed them when they had weeks of zero cases.

I’m sketchy on the details but I know that even hardcore proponents of zero COVID understand that the virus won’t be wiped out here, it should be called almost zero COVID

We’ll go to Murphy’s in Brandon @endakenny


Hopefully they stop serving food.

This isn’t true, their first letter to each of the Governments explicitly stated this.

Indeed Ryan stated this here.

They have consistently claimed things that are unrealistic. In June they were all over the radio and social going on about New Zealand after Arden claimed victory and there were pointing to crowds at Super Rugby.

Over time you’ll notice the countries they name checked as pursuing this strategy fell off to no mention or pivoting to changing the meaning of what they were doing. With NZ, as time went on they went heavy on the “well it’s not actually elimination, it’s heavy suppression” but as Nolan said yesterday, it is an untruth to say you can get to Level 0 in a matter of weeks and have normality. NZ had close to basic normality after weeks of zero cases. Ryan has continued to peddle the myth that you can get some normality back in weeks, see his ridiculous suggestion to move Christmas to the end of January. Even if you somehow can get mandatory quarantine and a managed border, they know well that we will have repeated breaches of it. Repeated breaches means you still need to do Auckland like lockdowns, but more regularly, given the reality of our geography.

What’s more bizarre about how this is not challenged is that in fairness to the likes of Luke O’Neill, he signed a letter saying this should be on an All Island basis. He has stated it is unrealistic without the North. Even Anthony Staines has moved beyond that and calls for a “Europe wide approach”. Yet you have Ryan still coming out with his mental statements on being normal again in a a matter of weeks, with the response to things like the border being the claim it can be managed. Ryan deserves the most criticism for this nonsense and selling false promises to the public.


Like Shaws Almost Nationwide

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The young men of Ireland retreated under their beds for a year on the say so of a wannabe kylie groupie and a tawny toothed scientist. A well drilled choir could probably bate the lot of them in hand to hand combat

@Rocko @Bandage

can we get an official countdown clock to June on the home page ?

And can we title it “Luke O’Neill’s Beer Garden Soirée”.

This is completely wrong

I’d like to second the motion to make Luke an official friend of the forum.

Myself and @endakenny have always been too busy to visit in Summer and only get down at Christmas.

We’ll definitely be making a visit this summer.


He had a roaring food trade all summer. Sort of changes the dynamic of the place.

No, it’s not wrong,
Zero covid never meant absolute zero, there will still be cases if we were to achieve zero covid.