Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What does the term ā€œelimination of the virusā€ mean to you? Why would NPHET be against it if it was just to suppress case numbers, which is what NPHET already advise?

I didnā€™t invent the term, so i donā€™t need to explain it.
Zero covid hypoothetically exists while there is covid in the country, nobody expects that it will be 100% eliminated.
The numbers would have to be very very low (rather than very low), is that a help?

The aim of zero Covid is to completely eliminate the virus as the Zero Coviders pointed out as seen in Timā€™s post above

I suppose then the only sensible thing to do is to rename zero covid ā€¦I propose calling it 6.94% covid


Well I mean itā€™s obvious that that would be the aim,
But the recognised reality is that it wonā€™t happen so when people speak of Zero Covid, they are accepting that the virus will still be here in very small numbers so it can be isolated etc etc.
Iā€™m not arguing for anything here, this is just how it is

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NZ knew it was likely impossible to keep it out. The zero Covid plan is to get it as close to zero as possible. It has worked for them because they went about it in the right way and when it did get in they used a competent track and trace system to isolate and suppress it. It requires competence which is why itā€™s not achievable in Ireland.

It requires everybody on an island working together with the same plan which is why it could never work in Ireland

Even with the DUP on board it would fail due to incompetence. Remember our plan to stop the virus entering the country a year ago was to hand out a leaflet at the airport.

It is doomed to fail anyway, there is no way it could work without Northern Ireland following the same strategy. The vaccine is the only hope of normality returning and always has been

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Arguing with a zero covider is like arguing with somebody who claims grass isnā€™t green. They are headbangers.


Yes it would need the north to join in but even with them on board it would fail due to incompetence.

Air is the real enemy in our battle against this airborne virus.

Is this essentially you giving up on your argument of the last 12 months? That youā€™ve accepted that comparisons with New Zealand are foolish as it would be impossible to do the same here?

You seem to base your whole argument on hypotheticals now instead


Heā€™s waved the white flag.

I would have thought that even with NI on board - it would be a very hard task considering the truck freight movements in and out of the country.

No, Iā€™m saying if we had competent politicians then it was a plan worth considering. New Zealand have shown that itā€™s possible if the hunger and competence was there. Here we are a year later discussing this when the horse has long bolted.

The key word here and Iā€™ve mentioned it a couple of times, is comeptence. Ireland told itā€™s citizens not to move outside a 5km radius back in March while allowing non citizens waltz in to the country from known Covid hotspots and handed them a leaflet. Our politicians made more effort to control its borders during the Foot and Mouth outbreak. More effort for a few cattle and sheep.

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For the 14th time; NZ is 4000km into the ocean and doesnā€™t share a land border with another country. Will you give it up ffs


Such a key word

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Heā€™s already admitted it was impossible to implement on this island. Heā€™s waved the white flag.