Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

New Zealand are just an example of a country that have dealt with it competently. There are others. Some with land borders with other countries. Some people just love living in the problem rather than the solution.

123 days lads. Chill.

Mike has the shills rattled.

The bottom line is that if we knew then, what we know now.

There is absolutely no doubt a zero Covid strategy should have been pursued from the outset.

In the 26?

The 32.

How would you implement that when the 26 have no say in the 6 and the 6 take their orders from tan land?

Are you disagreeing with yourself?


Oh no you didn’t…

I think with seeing the shitshow we have had since and what we could have it would have been done.

The DUP would rather have everyone die than act as one island . You know this.

They had to miss out on the festivities of the 12th this years. The opportunity to rub every taigs nose in it.

They talk about the possibility of a 2 island approach. If there was a will it could happen. Governments both in Britain and Ireland reacted too slow and the damage was done.

@mikehunt was vindicated and that rattles people.

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Do lads think the official timeline has anything to do with reality?
Who was patient zero? We need to know asap.

The HSE will be facing a wave of lawsuits once the dust settles

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We’ll never know if the dust has settled if we’re all wearing masks.

Its a completely different argument to suggest that if we could have acted on a 32 county basis whether Zero Covid would have worked. The facts are that was never going to happen. The DUP said just last week, a year in, that they wouldn’t consider it

The zero covid headbangers Ryan, Staines etc were saying it meant exactly what it said on the tin up until last Sep/Oct when after an outbreak in NZ they suddenly changed to ‘almost zero covid’.
They had actually been building up a head of steam up until that point.

It wasn’t discussed, there was no appetite either side of the border.

What can we do in 123 days @Thomas_Brady

Can we play sport ?
Is sit down coffee an option?

I’m not expecting stags in Killarney yet.