Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Any cases on Aran Islands

We have 43 more days to go of L5. I reckon we’ll get back to L3+ then for the remaining 80 days.


We have 70 days of level 5 left. Anyone who thinks they will be eating easter eggs with their families are living in cloud cuckoo land.

We’ll have meaningful Easter eggs this year pal.

Not a hope. There will be a review in the last week of February and they will extend the lockdown for another 5 weeks to take us past Easter.

I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you it’s gonna be ok.

Can you name them? China and South Korea don’t count for obvious reasons.

I’m fine, bro. Once you make peace with it and realise it’s all out of your hands it’s easier to deal with but people should have realistic expectations.

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You’re being typically disingenuous by quoting that letter from early in the pandemic when relatively little was known and policy was still evolving. Positions have evolved since then. Luke O’Neill doesn’t advocate zero covid any more even.

Lads, I’ve heard some absolutely unbelievable stories about Monaghan over Christmas, from people that I know very well and whom I trust. @rocko, you might want to lock the thread to keep the pigs out.

There’s now 2 shebeens in my home parish, one for young people and one for old people, both decked out with kit from the GAA club, like the GAA club pool table and so on. But that’s not the big story…

Tank’s big story

  • massive wedding in my home parish between Christmas Day and new year’s day
  • over 300 people in a marquis that was hidden inside a big warehouse, owned by a well-known business family. They were being paid for this.
  • There was a line of lorries parked around the warehouse so you couldn’t see what was going on from the road.
  • dancing and booze into the small hours and local caterers involved too
  • a massive Covid outbreak in my parish afterwards
  • that’s the big story

Lockdown has been the biggest disaster in Irish history, it’s the prohibition of our time. The entire parish conspired to defeat the law, which I guess is great really. But I thought I was rebellious because I break lockdown every day but that this story seems slightly extreme even for me.

Meanwhile the dopey cunts on the airwaves and online fretting about foreign travel or whatnot. They’re on a different planet.


Meanwhile that hypocritical cunt Holohan won’t even do his press-conferences over Zoom.


He must have had some pain in his hole after that


We need a list of lads now who fanned the hysteria. They need to be held to account.

We’ll be like the Soviets in Berlin in the summer of 1945. Settling scores.


The doomsday merchants have gone to ground I see

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It’s always the way. They’ll claim now the bed fell on top of them.



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The Sputnik V vaccine is very promising as well.

Sputnik me to the moon Doc :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


I assume it’s one of the European ones with a different name.

You could not be up to them.

It isn’t disingenuous. This was literally what Zero Covid started our saying, in their own words.

You say I am being “typically disingenuous” but typically for you, you fail to read. You’ll note the line of O’Neill.

His latest remarks state it is unrealistic without the north so he is not being inconsistent.

As the post clearly states, my biggest issue with the policy suggestions is the lack of acknowledgement of trade offs, brushing off the logistical issues and most of all, the sunlit uplands promised. This continues with Ryan who promised a normal Christmas in January if we went for Zero Covid.