Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The West too stubborn to bow to Soviet superiority.

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I watched a doc on the nuremburg trials after finishing the Hitler series on Netflix. Goering was some detail! Literally didn’t give a fuck in the dock.

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Serenity now
Serenity now.

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No he didn’t.

He basically did

“I think we can return to a normality that is quite like life right now in most of Australia by early January, which would mean Level One or Level Zero restrictions by January, if we get rid of this now,” he said.

“One way of doing this would be to delay Christmas until the end of January and have a real Christmas and a real party then.”

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Yes he did. Nolan explicitly called out people talking about Level Zero yesterday.

In one of your contrary moods today.

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It’s stubbornly staying in around there and a lot of it is from hospital clusters.

Zero Covider, Prof Anthony Staines had a very bitchy dig at Prof Egghead Nolan’s qualifications on Twitter yesterday. Called him a “muscle physiologist” or some such. Can’t find it now so maybe he’s deleted it.

These academics can be awful hoors.

Shut the hospitals and stop testing. Job is oxo

DEFUND the hospitals

What have you got against South Korea?

Name one of the countries with land borders you were referring to.

It’s easy enough to debunk zero covid without having to exaggerate what oddballs like Ryan said.

Do you not believe there are countries with land borders who have coped well compared to their neighbours?

You introduced this. Name a few.

South Korea.

So you’re just spoofing. Grand.

1254 new cases. 48 deaths. 5 fewer in ICU than yesterday and the 14 day rate per 100,000 is half what it was a week ago.


You asked for one. I gave you one. Do you want another?

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