Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Well it tastes fine. Tbh I’m hot and miss when it comes to the pouring. I just cracked the can and poured. Its nearly gone now. I’ll follow protocol for the second and see if theres a difference

On tenterhooks

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The best performing countries in Europe are Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sweden is in the middle of them all so it’s anyone one’s guess why their figures are multiples of their neighbours.

Do you take a pint at all Mike?

Wife Beater
Wife Beater
Wife Beater

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I was waiting for it.

It must be every woman’s worst nightmare when they see their husband arrive home with a pack of these during lockdown.

That would be known as a Continental pour by people who know about these things. @iron_mike was always a bit uppity like that, full steam ahead for criossants with jam over a good greasy fry up

Ah for her it’s just a message that I want the dinner pronto

Why do u ask?

You seem very on edge over this whole covid thing. A few cans might take the edge off.

Wait until that pub of yours opens up. Btw kid I’m in Galway the day after Paddy’s


Which is ‘right’ or is it up to personal preference?

Surely Fritz and Vaclav are authority figures on this. Get the gas out rather than milling around inside destroying gut bacteria leaving you bloated and a mess like macroaster

I’d say they dread a pack of Durex more

Finland have followed those crazy Swedes with no lockdown or school closures since last Spring.

The continentals are right on this one. If you get a beer in say Amsterdam or Posnan it’s as much foam as it is beer. Better for profits. If you tried this here Paddy would think he’s getting ripped off and raise hell. Paddy has a real problem with the drink


tenor (56)


I dunno, generally you still get a pint of beer? They just use a bigger glass.

Yeah but that wouldn’t do for Paddy. Fill it to the top or else

“Did you hear about that wedding in (random village)? 200 at it and a week later 10,000 of them had COVID”