Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I suppose it depends on what level of understanding weā€™re talking about here. Iā€™d like to think I understand it as much as I need to, and at least as well as you. But you know this, hence deliberately misrepresenting what I said.
You shouldnā€™t carry resentment around with you like this. Bad for the immune system, or so Iā€™ve read somewhere.

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Thatā€™s true

Thatā€™s not true

Whatever works for you, Iā€™ll leave you to imagine and make up other stuff that I said, decide whatā€™s true etc. Enjoy your day.

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They should put egghead Donnelly in charge of the shambolic eu vaccine rollout, he would do a better job than those clowns there now

Youā€™ve started early today boys

Thatā€™s what happens when you put women in charge.

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Good explanation, I learned from that :joy:. Rather than parrot on about accuracy too, which there are many claims on the Internet. The PCR test was initially used as it was the first quick way to detect the virus, in fairness at the time 12 months ago we didnā€™t give a shit about accuracy and just wanted a result. But we now have better research and diagnostic tests for covid so why continue with a test that is known to be in accurate. I had this discussion with a colleague who is in our lab and asked them of we introduced a test with the accuracy of the PCR to our processes via a TMV Test Method Validation what would be the reaction of a regulatory auditor FDA etc? They said they would laugh at it as the evidence for its indented use is terrible and we most certainly will be getting a warning letter (published as public knowledge so effects share prices). Long story short PCR testing methods are a COD

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Imagine Boris Johnson running rings around you

What are the better tests you reference?

If you had Covid back in November and recovered or just didnā€™t know you had it, are there any Viral RNA hanging around that can be detected in a test carried out today?

Have you tried sticking a swab up yer holes?

@tallback 's wife is getting fair sick of answering questions on our behalf.


Iā€™m struggling with that one from @mickee321 though I see another poster has endorsed it.

1 in 108?

Does it mean 1 in 108 deaths a year are in car accidents?
Or that for every person born in a given year, say 1980, that 1 in 108 will die in a car accident
In Ireland

Or is it another way??

1 in every 108 car journeys ends up in death

I find probability interesting

How many randomly chosen people would need to be in a room in order for there to be a 50/50 chance that two share a birthday

366? Think I heard this before and itā€™s way lower isnā€™t it

Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s probably even less likely to be true than what I had assumed he meant. Population 4.9m means surely, at least twice that many car journeys. In reality if say a far bigger multiple. How many people would make No car journeys in a year

23 I think



Itā€™s kind of like covid though they just need to have been in a car in the previous 14 days for it to be counted.