Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Yeah - thereā€™s a bit of truth in that but to be fair this was completely new do data needed to be built up. At this stage the numbers are settling down Iā€™d say though.

Itā€™s dishonest really and is fuelling conspiracy theorists. Still canā€™t believe ā€˜casesā€™ is the main metric reported either. I know you canā€™t ignore them but surely at certain points hospitalisations is the big one. Cases have been the headline number every single day since March! I suppose at this stage theyā€™re so ingrained and seems to be what the majority of people base their worry level off.

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The 93% of people getting tested who have symptoms but test negative - what do they have?

Hon the Italians. Interesting to see how this develops.

Cant be flu. No flu around. Just a different flu-like non-flu illness

27% of nursing home residents in Ireland were asymptomatic based on testing alone for Wave 1, probably higher


Well cases is probably a good sense of whether things are getting worse or better - both hospitalisations and deaths are lagging indicators so cases, while imperfect, do give an overall trend.

I do agree that the constant focus on daily numbers for near on a year now by the likes of RTE etc is unhelpful and instills that fear.

Those 85+ year olds living it up in Lanzarote

Luke Oā€™Neill reckons we can socialise outdoors in May or June

i.e you can sit on a rock in Lahinch drinking a Coffee having a chat with your mate, sitting 2 metres away


Luke is for pints :pint:

I have been thinking about it all day, I think Boris Johnson is actually a genius, heā€™s ran rings around the EU and now will have to step in and save Europe by giving them vaccines due to their botched vaccination procurement. I see the WHO are stepping in now, begging the UK to share vaccines, at least Champ was on the ball last night, he was straight on the phone to von der lyden reading her the riot act


Those awful people in the E.U. who make decisions on our behalf have really let the mask slip.

Letā€™s never forget that the British and Americans saved us and the world from the Naziā€™s.

1414 & 79

we are making hard work of breaking below the 1000 new cases per day

Gardai were called to Wexford General Hospital after COVID-19 patients refused to isolate in COVID ward and instead headed out the front to smoke cigarettes. :joy: