Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Uproar on regional social media about this.

A mate in A Z.

Headed up to the home house and the brother wasn’t there. He’s gone to a small shindig of roughly 20-30 people for a 24th birthday party.

Patience among the young is waning.

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He’s young once fuck that, Covid will be with us forever.

Can’t say I wouldnt have done the same if I was his age.

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I’m hear drinking a bottle with the mother. It won’t be like that next Saturday night.

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Quick update: 7% of my friends have open public Snapchat stories on the hooch.

Times are a changing.

Big change in the public mood this weekend. Suddenly people have had enough of lockdown. Loads more traffic and you can see people talking to strangers and moving closer to each other. It’s tangible outside.

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People are fairly fed up alright. It was one thing when it looked like we might be out of this by the Summer but this EU vaccine farce has people looking ahead and seeing little change in the situation until the end of the year at best. And it’s still fecking January!

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He must have been off his face on yokes. Who’s this lad, he’s the same birthday as me!!! Never seen him before in my life

I was doing my days work today and estimated that SD was gone out the window for 70% of people.

Who will Tony blame next ?

Remember that late late show story Charlton told about how great the irish fans were? The italian cops kept them in the ground after a match…to let the opposition fans away etc. The irish lads started bleating like sheep, good laugh with the cops who realised the irish are a great bunch of lads and wouldn’t start any bother, fans let out and everyone went to the trattoria.
Basically any other bunch of fans would have went buck ape, ripped out seats and broke a few windows on the way to the station.

All over Europe they’re rioting, bringing city centres to a standstill, challenging in courts, taking on the cops, opening bars in defiance and basically having a go at pushing back at this mad experiment.

Maybe the irish could gather at leinster house and baa like sheep?


The Italians are opening. The world won’t fall in. Other nations will see this and follow. Common sense will eventually prevail here

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They had a bump in death rates there…either down to the vaccine, christmas or the vaccine being introduced in time to coincide with a possible Christmas bump.

taking 2 pints of stout then back up to the hotel room

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are any of ye living in places where people aren’t tho?
all the kids here are playing away outside . we have 2 or 3 who always call in to the house and vice versa. and there is the bones of a decent 5 aside always after homework is done with the kids

we have to be cognisant of children’s development and mental health…i think most parents with primary school children are aligned on this. it would be utterly reckless to deny children a social outlet when schools are closed

First LD when none of us had a clue the young fella didn’t leave the back garden or he was with me in the green with a ball… thats not the case now


I think dr kory wins covid, but ivor gave it some shake

Limerick had the highest rate of sucide in ireland in 2019 with 22 deaths per 100k. Taking the city alone to have a population of 100k its 22 deaths. There is no data available for 2020 yet.

There were 37 covid deaths in Limerick County up to early December. Does anyone else see the issue with those 2 stats? One is mainly affects young men the other has an average age of mortality in the early 80s (higher than average life expectancies)

Its a fucking cod lads. Why are we locked down at all when we have accepted another pandemic for years. The other Limerick posters will know all about the sound of the mechanical banshee

One has nothing to do with the other. Shut up talking utter shit.


Compare the 2 and tell me this covid crack isn’t overblown? Fuck off and don’t reply if you think its shit

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I won’t compare them cos it’s a ludicrous simple-minded comparison. You’ve made the “it’s a cod” point five thousand times already, you talk about fuck all else.