Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Theres a great tread on the ignore function mate I recommend you use it i won’t get offended. I could recommend a thrush cream too for being an irradiation cunt. Enough if the snide reply I wont be responding again

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In fairness, if you want to post shite dont get all pissy when you get called up on it.


It’s almost as iff people were happy enough to stay at home and grumble during January… Like they do every year because they are broke after Xmas… And now, all of a sudden, coinciding with payday, they hava had enough


The nice feeling they are putting the referring GPs kids through college

You’re a nasty bastard

January is a long dreary month

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5 weekends in it this year!

Bit of truth in that. The huge spike rattled people though. And rightly so.

There’s not even a point in there

Suicide is a massive issue all by itself, nobody here or anywhere would dispute that, we don’t need this shit again


My generation have suffered the most throughout this mess and we’ll also have to live the longest dealing with the fall out.


We should toughen up though, lads on here stormed the beach in Normandy after all.

Poor auld divils, at home with their x-boxes, smartphones, Spotify, sports channels, delivery take out and high speed broadband.

The height of their suffering is the raw knobs they have from pulling the stomachs off themselves.


You should almost certainly be a person of interest to the guards if you aren’t already. That’s a very creepy thing to post.


You’re right.

I’ve fixed the typo there now.

How embarrassing.

It’s deeply unsettling you think about other posters masterbating.

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This lad has a point. It’s up to young lads like @endakenny and @BruidheanChaorthainn to free the people. This is their D Day

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It did… Lot easier behave yourself in January, broke though

What’s the plan buddy?

Youv suffered in silence in fairness pal :clap:


The Big problem is too many people love lock down.