Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Itā€™s actually quite brilliant a shot neednā€™t be fired

Leinster House is all stocked up on sheep

Iā€™ve said it before the current generation of youth that I am a member of are really weak. Half the lads I would be friendly with think I am some kind of a conspiracy theorist for questioning all these lockdowns, they all know a couple of people that were sick with it now which has killed any kind of semblance of critique to lockdowns.


Oh letā€™s take a ride,
Run with dogs tonight
In suburbia


Some lads will hide behind anything at all to justify themselvesā€¦ Mental health, suicides, the economyā€¦ None of you give two fiddlers fucks. Hiding behind moral outcomes is cowardly stuff. At least @endakenny is honest enough to say he just wants to have pints and ride a bird.


Same as the lads who care deeply about 90yr olds in nursing homes I suppose.

Burst Leinster house and feet up on Leoā€™s desk.
Thatā€™ll teach the cunts

I donā€™t recall anyone here posting every day repeatedly about old people or any people in particular.

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Itā€™s the reason weā€™re in lockdown.

Iā€™ve the fire lighting here and the dinner on. Iā€™m seriously considering leaving on the jim Jams for the day


I partially agree with what @Heyyoubehindthebushes is saying.

Mental health problems are statistically a far bigger risk to people my age than covid. I know a few people my age who have died by suicide, I donā€™t know anyone my age who died by covid, the odds of it happening are about 1 in 500 if you test positive.

For me, that means I make a few sensible decisions to prioritise my mental health over strictly following the restrictions to the letter of the law - breaking the 5km everyday to go swimmijg and having the odd little house/dinner party with 3 to 5 people at it. Iā€™m going to one of them again tonight.

I heard a really sad story of someone close to me having a major breakdown this week, the last person I thought this would ever happen to. Theyā€™re still alive send well thank god, getting care now.

Iā€™m not going to any secret wedding receptions in any Monaghan warehouses though because itā€™s about striking a balance. I think I have less responsibilities because I live alone and my behaviour should be allowed reflect that but I obviously still have responsibilities to the wider society.

Covid isnā€™t a cod, thatā€™s obviously bollocks. Itā€™s clearly very serious for lots of people. It would probably kill my da.

One of the worst and stupidest things about the reaction has been the focus on trying to treat everyone the same. But everyone isnā€™t the same, not everyone is in the same situation. Old people saying we canā€™t have an ā€œapartheid societyā€ - youā€™re old and you canā€™t safely do everything a young person can, tough shit, thats just life. You had your youth and please god you made the most of it, stop trying to drag everyone else down to your level.

Itā€™s led to a politics if bitterness - for example hairdressers have to close just because beauticians had to close and beauticians had to close just because someone else had to close. Itā€™s a nasty approach that has developed, founded on begruegery and anti-enteepreneurial spirit.

Iā€™ve been watching a lot of youtube videos on Marxism lately. One if them was a Marxism rationale for why equality should not be a societyā€™s main political goal and how the left had gone wrong and completely misunderstood everything.

Peopleā€™s circumstances will always be different, thatā€™s just life. My situation isnā€™t the same as my daā€™s so itā€™s about trying to find some sort of accommodation that maximises both our freedoms/health/standard-of-living. Thatā€™s possible because we donā€™t live together.

Iā€™m sorry if any of you find any if that offensive but you have to ask yourselves why.


Lock in at pedigree corner. 2pm

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Some lads can point out failings in everything bar themselves.

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Thanks for the effing invite.

Great post. Thereā€™s a group of lads on here that simply refuse to accept mental health issues are huge at the moment.

On tfk itā€™s definitely not ok to be not ok.


I donā€™t know where youā€™ve picked that up from to be honest.


Here kid. Will we go off curtain twitching for the day. Ive a few neighbours that badly need to be curtain twitched. I know for a fact that one of them drove to town yesterday.

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Thatā€™s a good post, I agree with most of it, Iā€™m not strongly entrenched in either camp, I miss a lot of things about my old life and I have kids who find this very tough
itā€™s a reply to me so Iā€™ll just say
The point I made is that using historic or any suicide figures to justify or demean anything is bullshit, suicide is always with us,


Case in point is @backinatracksuit when somebody suggests people my age have had a difficult period during COVID he loses his mind.

Itā€™s clear as day with other posters as well. Itā€™s been very tough on people. Plenty of my friends have been really miserable throughout this period including myself.

Thatā€™s a low blow, perhaps youā€™ll point out where Iā€™ve done that, your nastiness is coming out again.
Everybody is suffering, not equally maybe but you do nothing but wallow in self pity,